God Wants Glenn Urquhart to Win

Filed in National by on May 11, 2010

I guess because his first name starts with the letter “G” too, or something. But Bill Colley speaking for God is not the story. The story is that WGMD talkshow host and blogger Bill Colley apparently is now a bought and paid for shill for the Glenn Urquhart campaign.

Our story starts off the 19th Annual Gridiron Dinner on May 1 at the Chase Center on the Wilmington Riverfront. Mr. Colley was present, though, not as a result of paying his own way or having his employer, WGMD, pay his own way. The Urquhart campaign paid for his ticket, and Mr. Colley sat that the “Team Urquhart” table. How quaint. Urquhart has a team.

Yesterday, 10 days after the Gridiron dinner, Bill Colley endorses Glenn Urquhart over the establishment Michele Rollins and the other also rans Rose Izzo and Kevin Wade in a pretty indecipherable blog post on the WGMD site. Now, none of this is really shocking to me since we all know Bill Colley is no journalist, and if he considers himself to be one, then he should know that he is a pretty biased and unethical one. No, all Bill Colley is an uninformed talking head who fills the downstate airspace with his blather for four hours daily.

No, what is shocking is that Bill did not hold out for more. Remember that Urquhart bought himself a County Council President for the price of $5,000. Colley’s price at being a bought and paid for shill for Urquhart: $150.00. The cost of the Gridiron ticket. Who knew Colley’s integrity was so cheap.

How much is Dan Gaffney’s? I want an on air shill, and I got $200 to spend.

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  1. Rebecca says:

    Colley’s “integrity” as you call it would be expensive at $1.50

  2. Perry says:

    I agree about Colley’s integrity. He is Sussex County’s Rush Limbaugh, broadcasting on WGMD, Sussex County’s FoxNews. Pathetic, really pathetic, except for Jared Morris (9a to 12n)!

  3. meatball says:

    Jared rocks. Funniest show on radio and not always purposely so. I always thought Colley’s show was an act. It seems so much like parody of Rush’s show.

  4. fightingbluehen says:

    If Bill Colley knew the story of big John Rollins, he would back Michele Rollins out of respect for everything conservative. The way he
    refers to them, I get the impression that he thinks they are elitists from up state.

  5. MJ says:

    Colley is a stooge, plain and simple. He refers to progressives as traitors to the US and “delusional and dangerous.” Yesterday’s rant about the “Marxist-Leninist” takeover of the country was just way out there, even for Colley. I’m wondering if he’s been huffing on Delusional David’s pipe too much. Gaffney might want to cut his losses and fire Colley just as WFBL in Syracuse did a few years ago.

  6. jason330 says:

    Please Skydad, let Glenn Urquhart catch the Greenville set napping. I would love a teabagger in the general.

  7. RSmitty says:

    I can’t help but to believe his anti-NCCo (and the people that live there) rantings, that border on pure hatred, is nothing but faux-outrage. How does a NY’er (northern) transplant to Sussex then suddenly turn around and become a life-long victim of that dreaded Yankee colony in the northern-third?

  8. Geezer says:

    “How does a NY’er (northern) transplant to Sussex then suddenly turn around and become a life-long victim of that dreaded Yankee colony in the northern-third?”

    He sucks his finger and sticks it in the air.

  9. Perry says:

    One other point to make about the Glenn Urquhart candidacy is that not only has Bill Colley endorsed him and campaigns for him on WGMD, but also Vance Phillips, Chairman of the Sussex County Council, has become an employee of Urquhart, as a political consultant, to the tune of $5K per 3 months. Urquhart is a developer, and has come before council to get an approval for his development, Isaac Glen, which was approved, even though in violation of the Livable Delaware guidelines.

    The question of conflict of interest has been raised, about an elected public office holder, Vance Phillips, being paid by a developer and candidate running for office, Glenn Urquhart.

    Personally, I think Vance Phillips would do well to just stick with his Watermelon farming in Western Sussex, where he could probably keep out of trouble permanently.

  10. Miscreant says:

    I’m with Rebecca. Colley at $1.50… you would still have a lot of change coming back.

    “Jared rocks. Funniest show on radio and not always purposely so.”

    You’re kidding, right? I suppose it does have some entertainment value, but only if you’re laughing AT him. He’s the biggest pussy south of the canal. Talk about sticking your finger in the air. If you want to know his opinion on anything, just listen to the last caller (unless, of course, it’s some senile 88 year old lady or a low IQ redneck, which he can tease, mock, or verbally abuse). That’s the peak level of his courage and intellect. When, on the rare occasion, he actually disagrees with someone, he hangs up on them and rants about them when he can’t be challenged (much like Colley does). He’s a closet liberal but doesn’t have the balls to admit it. While I’m at it, Gaffney’s a cowardly douche bag, too.

    OK, it’s official, I despise all the mental midgets at WGMD.

    I feel better now.

  11. Geezer says:

    Have you heard the Urquhart campaign ad on the radio? No talking, just a generic-sounding mild-rock song with lyrics telling us “he’s on your side.” Incredibly bad idea, as there’s nothing spoken to tell listeners what the ad is about until the end, when he says he approved the message.

    Favorite lyric: “When he gets to Congress things will change.” Right. For instance, pigs will fly.

  12. RSmitty says:

    Yes, Geezer, I heard it and it gave me one of those “WTF” moments. That kind of makes me long for, “Delllll-aware….Dellllaware…You’re something special (I’m guessing at this point) to me…”

  13. MJ says:

    Mis – my ears start to bleed when I listen to the Three Stooges. But I listen every now and then to find out what sort of misinformation is being put out there.

  14. meatball says:

    Hence the not always purposely so. The idiot callers really add to the show too.

  15. happycamper says:

    An unethical, transplant nut job politician being endorsed by an unethical, transplant nut job talk show host. Sounds about right to me.

    G-d is certainly pleased that the station’s signal barely crosses the Kent/Sussex border. And if it’s good enough for G-d…

  16. Geezer says:

    Smitty: Once Kevin Wade comes up with a jingle, maybe DL can post a poll on which is the most annoying. I still vote for Castle’s. Any campaign jingle that requires tuning up the banjos has an insurmountable lead on the Annoy-O-Meter.

  17. Geezer says:

    Happycamper: Isn’t virtually everyone in the resort corridor a transplant? Except for the roofers and dry-wall hangers, I mean.

  18. Andy says:

    Heard an ad for Wade on WILM this morning that literally had me laughing out loud. Tag line: “We only send one – let’s make sure it’s one of us.” Is this guy for real???