Tag: Speaker Pete Schwartzkopf

General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up: Week of January 13-15, 2015

Filed in Delaware by on January 16, 2015 3 Comments
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up: Week of January 13-15, 2015

Talk about your soft openings.  When the most urgent piece of legislation appears to be one that would allow smaller eateries to serve beer and wine, then you get a pretty good sense that it could be a slow January.

The other bill on the fast track is a banking bill, and it passed the House unanimously. The sponsors of the bill don’t fill me full of confidence that this is simply an innocuous piece of legislation.  It strikes me as a special interest bill, and the interests are those of the banks, not of the consumers.  Could someone please give us some background on the gestation and urgency of this bill? And, um, talk me down?

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., June 11, 2014

Filed in Delaware by on June 11, 2014 14 Comments
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., June 11, 2014

OK, let’s talk about Delaware’s position as the nation’s corporate leader.  Our lofty perch is not based on having ‘better’ lawyers, ‘better’ judges, or having the abiding respect of the corporate community. We’re in this position because we’ve passed laws that enable corporations  to engage in unsavory practices that otherwise would be considered criminal activity. We make it impossible for people to know who are behind straw corporations, or why these shells exist in the first place. We enable the worst kinds of criminal activity, including arms sales, drug-running, and, yes, human trafficking, by enabling corporations to create impossible-to-follow paper trails. The entire political establishment props this up by worshipping at the feet of the Court of Chancery and by placing those who are its most effective defenders in positions of power. It’s no accident that the preponderance of judgeships go to those from the corporate law community . It’s no accident that people like Ed Friel and Jeff Bullock, both from Carper Cyborgenics, have served as Secretaries of State. They’re all in on Delaware’s dirty secret: Our vast revenues generated by Delaware’s corporate hegemony are derived from Delaware’s willingness, no, eagerness, to enact laws that benefit even the worst actors at the expense of, well, people. In Delaware, corporations are not merely people, they have rights superior to people.  You can put suits on these people, and they can be heralded as Delaware’s best, but they are merely well-learned shills and shysters.

Hey, it’s no surprise that Delaware was the state to legalize usury. We were the most experienced when it came to legalizing criminal activity via corporate shell games.

So it was no surprise that HB 327 and HB 328 flew through the House yesterday, it’s what we do. Every year. In June. A package of bills emerges from the Corporate Section of the Delaware Bar every year. Proponents cite them as necessary to continue Delaware’s pre-eminent position in corporate law. But now you know just what kind of stuff is in these bills. Thanks to the ADA, League of Women Voters, and the Delaware Alliance for Community Advancement, for shining a light on Delaware’s dirty secret. Maybe, just maybe, this will start a debate that should have been taking place all along.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., June 5, 2014

Filed in Delaware by on June 5, 2014 4 Comments
General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Thurs., June 5, 2014

Speaker Pete Schwartzkopf’s gonna earn his money today.  Look for a l-o-o-o-o-ng party caucus for the House Majority.

At a time when key legislation needs to be worked, and worked with some sense of urgency, The House D’s will most likely feel forced to confront the (former GOP) elephant in the room.  John Atkins. I can’t imagine that there will not be a serious mass of legislators outraged at his alleged actions. And, of course, this is far from the first time that the Caucus has had to address issues regarding Atkins. When you add to that the fact that Schwartzkopf personally vouched for Atkins and sold him to a skeptical caucus back in 2008 (‘People can change’), and you’ve got a real messy situation on your hands. The guy was always kinda on probation to several caucus members, and I wonder if caucus members are willing to let that continue. Yes, I know, he has not been charged with anything and he deserves his day in court. I’m just looking at the dynamics of the caucus. After all, not even the Rethugs wanted him. Betcha a majority of D’s don’t, either.

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