Tag: Choice

Charter School Cherry Picking Was Predicted

Filed in Delaware by on March 28, 2014 37 Comments
Charter School Cherry Picking Was Predicted

Mike O., The Seventh Type blog, found an interesting document in his inbox.  Go over to his place and read the whole thing – the link to the entire document is at Mike O’s place.  I’ll post some of the highlights from this 1995 Delaware Senate debate on SB 200 (DE Charter School Law).  This document pretty much puts an end to the but, but… whocouldhaveknown debate.

Here’s part of the question and answer segment with Bill Manning (Red Clay’s School Board President at the time)

SENATOR MARSHALL: Understanding that the harshest critics of charter schools around the nation where they’ve been in place and operating, is the issue of the schools skimming off the top and creating an elitist academy with public money.
My concern is looking at the focus of the charter schools by attracting the best at times for a specific educational discipline offered by that charter school; and the concern of recruitment.

I looked at children throughout New Castle County in moderate low income neighborhoods, I looked at the City, the west side, the east side, hilltop, I need to understand how your board and how you will guarantee fairness and equal access to every student from every unit.

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