Open Thread – Dems Learn to Attack Rather Than Apologize

Filed in National by on January 6, 2019

A newly elected Dem called Trump a motherfucker (which, in addition to being a lying bitch, he is), and the world yawned. Why? Tom Levinson writing at explains why.

It hasn’t sunk in yet for the political establishment — and by that I mean not just the electeds, but the whole infrastructure of consultants and wingnut welfare types and staffs and so on — and the elite political media ecosystem, that they are a day late and a dollar short in the face of those who simply don’t accept their asserted authority.

AOC and many more did not come to the arena to play.  She is no where near dumb enough to acquiesce to the pre-existing “rules”.  Those norms are intended both to constrain policy, but, as important, to channel political warfare into forms that favor incumbent power.

This is the one true lesson Donald Trump absorbed, and now others have learned:  don’t apologize. Attack.

Which is, of course, ever more vital when you are on the right side of history.

I’m pointing and laughing at Kirsten Gillibrand’s presidential ambitions.

Writer Monique Judge of The Root explains that Maryland decriminalized cannabis, but really only for white people.  

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Hearty agreement, the political establishment is making harrumphing noises about freshman Dems, later on the whining starts. As noted it’s a brand new political world out there, perhaps because of Trump, but equally because the Dem base has had enough of the Carpers and Coons of this world. We want fighters, and we want them now, no apologies accepted or given.

  2. Mike Dinsmore says:

    This one was sort of apropos:

  3. RSE says:

    Maybe our disputes in government can end up with politicians having fist fights like they do in some countries. That would be nice wouldn’t it.

    Look up the caning of Charles Summer and how it contributed to the start of the Civil War.

  4. capesdelaware says:

    Mcconnell should swing from first tree we find. Wants to play “hardball” (ex.Merrick Garland) then he made his bed. Bring bill to vote or swing from tree .

  5. RE Vanella says:

    “That punk motherfucker don’t care.”

    That’s how it’s fucking done.

  6. delacrat says:

    “I’m pointing and laughing at Kirsten Gillibrand’s presidential ambitions.”

    Today’s NewsJournal dead tree edition points to “Joe’s” latest threatened run for POTUS.

    I’m not laughing.

    • RE Vanella says:

      I’m a no on crime bill Joe.

      It’s got a nice ring

    • Alby says:

      “I’m not laughing.”

      Why not?

      • delacrat says:

        Not laughing cuz some poll says he’s leading.

        but I’ll admit I could be overreacting b/c the polls said Hillary would be prez today.

        • Alby says:

          It’s just name recognition. Remember how W became president: Karl Rove showed him polls conducted in 1997 that showed him far ahead of the rest of the field, the result of him having the same first and last name as his father. In that case, respondents were saying they preferred a different person than the one they were being asked about.

          Back then, that was enough to get all the donors behind him, preventing any real in-party opposition. Yet that model for nomination was dead by the time Jeb tried to do the same thing.

          Biden will find himself limited in the same way he always has been in national races — not enough money behind him. Whether he’s smart enough to stay on the sidelines, however, is anyone’s guess.

          Maybe this will cheer you up: Dianne Feinstein said Joe was her preferred candidate. I don’t think much of the Democratic Party is taking cues from Dianne Feinstein anymore. He’s the nostalgia candidate for the geezers.

  7. RSE says:

    You’re lucky enough to have this guy playing for your city and this is the way you treat him?..And in a Manchester United red prison jumpsuit? I would pack my bags:

    • RE Vanella says:

      Despise United. Never cared for Rooney. I do respect the guy. Very good player.

      But honestly, this is in character for him.

  8. Alby says:

    On a lighter note, I think Jonathan Chait has the right response to Trump’s obsession with the walls of the rich:

    “The only flaw in the argument is that it does not go far enough. The homes of the rich and powerful often have walls, but they always have roofs. Indeed even poor people’s homes have roofs. Roofs work. That’s why the United States should have a roof.

    “Democrats will probably tell you that it would be impractical and expensive to build a roof covering the entire United States. I guarantee all those Democrats live in houses with roofs.”

  9. Annoymous says:

    Call me crazy but can’t we have politics without calling people mother f in speeches. It just sounds trashy, like that drunk woman at the bar that won’t shut up

  10. Jason330 says:

    Call me crazy but can’t we Grab ‘em by the pussy?