President Rush Limbaugh

Filed in National by on December 21, 2018

Conservative blow-hard, Rush Limbaugh is now calling the shots in the White House. (No doubt in consultation with Putin.)

President Trump appears far more concerned with Rush Limbaugh’s opinion of the government shutdown than that of congressional Republicans.

The conservative commentator said on his radio show Thursday that Trump got in contact with him to promise he will not pass any spending bill that doesn’t have border wall funding in it. “The president got word to me 20 minutes ago that if it comes back to him without money, if whatever happens in the House and Senate comes back to him with no allocation of $5 billion for the wall, then he’s going to veto it,” Limbaugh said, per Chris Stigall and Breitbart‘s Charlie Spiering.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. A mentally-ill president who goes to Fox for his policy briefings. Only question is: What will fall apart first, the Presidency or the country?

  2. bamboozer says:

    Mattis was the last restraint on Trump, the madness will now flow as it will. Needless to say allies are in WTF? mode and our enemies doth rejoice. As for the Wall it seems the criminals, creeps and crud of the house has passed a bill that allots 5 billion to be wasted on the wall, predictions all say it’s DOA in the senate. Barring an outbreak of sanity in the White House a shut down is our Christmas present. Feeling festive yet?

    • delacrat says:

      … our enemies doth rejoice.” – bamboozer


      Who are these “enemies” ?

      • Alby says:

        The country with 1,500 nuclear warheads pointed at us. Had you forgotten? Or are you just one of them? I’m starting to think that your ill-chosen positions only make sense if you’re Russian.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    Who do you fancy for next Defense Secretary? Kissinger or Jared?

  4. RE Vanella says:

    A sheriff maybe? Arpaio or Clarke? That rube from Sussex who wanted to make citizen arrests wild be good.

  5. All Seeing says:

    Is Trump really evil is the question? I see the government shutdown as to 3 things. (1) 800,000 government families will have a hard time without pay checks. (2) I think he wants to choke off money to the Meuller investigation. (3) So the wall is the best bet to change the narrative on “losing $3 trillion in the stockmarket” and that’s all on him. So,
    is he evil?

    • Alby says:

      He’s supremely self-interested, and selfishness is the source of virtually all bad behavior, but I don’t really care whether he’s evil. I’ll leave that to his jailers to figure out.

  6. All Seeing says:

    An evil man will do anything. Anything.

    • Alby says:

      Perhaps. I just find the labeling of no use. “Evil” is a word, like “love,” that has no actual meaning, it’s just a handy, common way of labeling something without understanding it.