Carney’s Pitiful Uselessness Laid Bare

Filed in National by on November 28, 2018

This is some good blogging by Delaware Dem. For me, it tends to support El Som’s assertion that Carney may be a dead man walking.

Read the whole thing, but this is where Carney gets his ass beaten raw by Vice Chancellor J. Travis Laster:

State officials have moved to dismiss the complaint. In a striking concession, they do not argue the complaint’s allegations fail to plead that Delaware’s public schools are failing to educate Disadvantaged Students. They agree that “not all of Delaware’s public schools are serving Delaware students the way they need to.

Instead, they take the bold position that the Education Clause requires that the State provide students with a meaningful education. They say that the Education Clause only requires that the system be “general,” in the sense of generally encompassing all of Delaware’s students, and “efficient,” in the sense of using centralization to reduce administrative costs and yield economic efficiencies. Under this interpretation, as long as the State established a state-wide program and labeled it “a system of public schools,” then the State would satisfy the Education Clause. At the extreme, the State could corral Disadvantaged Students into warehouses, hand out one book for every fifty students, assign some adults to maintain discipline, and tell the students to take turns reading to themselves. Because the State does not think the Education Clause says anything about the quality of education, even this dystopian hypothetical would satisfy their version of the constitutional standard.

Indeed, under a strict interpretation of the State’s argument, this nightmare scenario would be constitutionally preferable to the current system, because it would be equally general (it would cover all students) and much more efficient (it would generate additional cost savings). In my view, the plain language of the Education Clause mandates that the State establish a system of free public schools, and it uses the term “schools” in accordance with its ordinary and commonly understood meaning as a place where students obtain an education.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Yep. Another major issue that Carney hopes will just go away. No plan. No vision.

    And, unlike what he did with the prisoners, he can’t just offload underserved students to Pennsylvania.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    But DE legislators loved him at the end on the Bush administration. Learn your history!

  3. mediawatch says:

    Carney’s idea of leadership amounts to kicking the can down the road for eight years.
    Laster is telling him that the end of the road ain’t that far away.

    Same thing will happen with the prison lawsuit.

    In 2020, Delaware will have to elect a governor — and legislators — who recognize that the time for b.s. is past. We’re going to need solutions — not more mini-grants for schools and one-way bus tickets to Pennsylvania for inmates.

  4. mouse says:

    What a sad pathetic state. All the major bodies of water are polluted and unsafe, there’s no or pathetic infrastructure, public educational system is mostly poor, no vision for anything.

  5. what did you say? says:

    Democrats have no plan and never ever will

    • mouse says:

      And the republicans are going to save us from e-bola and Sharia law by nominating psycho drunks lol

  6. RE Vanella says:

    Haha. Fuck off, dork..

  7. Paul says:

    It looks like we should take a fresh look at the Education Clause of the Delaware Constituion with an eye to updating it. In some areas, it might mean bringing the Clause into the 21st century. Federal law since 1973 (IDEA) has given special protections to handicapped as well as gifted students. It would be both forward looking and ethical to make sure special population of students share in the opportunities of their peers, and have a level playing field as they move forward.

    • jason330 says:

      I don’t know. As Laster says, the meaning is obvious to anyone who isn’t a cynical fraud pretending to be a Governor.

      • mediawatch says:

        I’m skeptical about the use of “cynical” in your description. The rest of it is correct, but Carney has seldom demonstrated the propensity for higher-order thinking needed to display cynicism.

        Seriously, though, two years ago, I believed that implementing the recommendations of the Wilmington Education Improvement Commission represented the state’s last, best chance to do the right things to address inequities in public education. Unfortunately, WEIC made recommendations that went beyond what Markell was hoping for, yet another budget crisis developed, and all those corporate, Delaware Way types who had been advocating school reforms sat on their hands rather than converge on Dover to push the General Assembly into action. As a result, we got Carney trying to impose Priority Schools Lite onto Christina, with mini-grants masquerading as substantive school finance reform.
        The state’s defense in this case is ultimately going to come down to “we ain’t got the money,” but its real bankruptcy is moral and intellectual, not financial.
        When this suit is ultimately decided, Travis Laster may well establish himself as the Collins Seitz of his generation … and I’ll bet his final ruling will be so clear and forceful that he will forswear any chance of being nominated for another term on the bench, let alone be confirmed by the General Assembly.

  8. JoeCass says:

    Is Carney going to pull the trigger on Delaware Department of Labor employees and fully automate the system, closing all branches in the counties?

  9. mouse says:

    Ya know what really pisses me off? No one gives a shit about protecting the shallow fragile inland bay system in DE. It’s a state wide resource. Legislators from every county, many who own property at the beach should be screaming for protection. Instead, we get more forest devastation, dead streams full of silt and inland bays unsafe to swim or collect shellfish. I really don’t get it?

    • Alby says:

      Given that, as you note, they all wanted in on the real estate boom, it is indeed baffling that they don’t try to pull up the ladder behind them to keep the whole edifice from collapsing. Then again, look at Florida. It’s been a year of red tide and it’s still impossible to get the people who run that palace of greed to realize their golden goose is gasping for breath.

  10. mouse says:

    Yeah, It truly saddens me. The real estate boom really helps a very small group. They hire mostly undocuemented workers and the 4 models they puty in every development start at 300K within 5 miles of the cost. There’s almost no local who could afford or even want to live in these Plasticvilles

  11. RE Vanella says:

    New Jersey will have a comprehensive recreational marijuana industry very soon.

    Carney stuck his block-head in the sand and left tons of money on the table.

    Remember, kids, maintaining an international tax haven which shields the true source of funds and allows for illegal businesses to thrive due to secrecy at the cost of about $300 a year is very legal and very cool.

    Meanwhile marijuana is immoral and bad.

    See you on the campaign trail, John.

  12. Alby says:

    ” left tons of money on the table”

    If Delaware applies a similar tax rate (around 25%) as other states have, tax revenue from legal weed would project to about $40 million annually. That’s not small change.