BREAKING: Tom Wagner Appoints Candidate James Spadola To Take Over For His Sorry Ass!

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 17, 2018

This is a true story. After getting rid of a real auditor who ran the office during his lengthy absences from the job, outgoing State Auditor Tom Wagner has appointed a pretend auditor, James ‘Hug Me, I Used To Be A Cop’ Spadola, as Deputy Auditor. He will in fact be the Acting Auditor b/c Wagner’s headed for surgery. Oh, BTW, Spadola coincidentally is also running for the position of State Auditor, although I don’t know how he’ll find time to campaign while carrying out his duties. 

Here’s Matt Bittle’s tweet:

Auditor Tom Wagner says he is appointing James Spadola as his deputy. Why is this notable? Spadola is the Republican nominee for auditor (Wagner is retiring).

If I suspected that Wagner was capable of playing three-dimensional chess, I’d assume that he was just trying to guarantee that Park City Kathy would win that race. He’s not, but he did guarantee her victory.

I knew it when he whitewashed that report on Dick Cathcart, but Wagner is one corrupt Rethuglican.  And Spadola has demonstrated his fealty to corruption by accepting the ‘position’. I’ll say it again: The entire Republican Party is one big criminal conspiracy.

Gotta admit…didn’t see this one coming…

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  1. Beach says:

    Spadola appoints his translucent dog as Deputy Deputy Auditor. Ironically, the dog is more qualified as it is more huggable.

  2. jason330 says:


    Spadola first act as Auditor – Remind Wagner to pay his mortgage.

  3. Greg Lavelle says:

    As long as it wasn’t OAW.

  4. Sussex Worker says:

    Part time!!! That way he can campaign on our dime. By the time you FOIA his time sheet and get a response, the election will be over.

    He must be an awfully talented non-Auditor to do Wagner’s job and that of the departed full-time Deputy Davies “part time”

    Send Spadola packing along with Simpler and Lavelle

  5. Not to be Captain Obvious (he lied), but here’s why Spadola’s fate is effectively sealed: The only argument that he had for election was that Park City Kathy was the Delaware Way candidate and he…wasn’t. Turns out that he’s every bit the Delaware Way candidate that she is.

    I was not going to vote for either candidate in this race, and I still won’t. But I think there were a pretty decent number of D’s who at least were considering voting for Spadola. I think that number will decrease substantially with this most cynical of cynical ploys.

    I’m not even angry. I’m just…somewhere between bemused and disbelief. Although that could be the cold medicine…

  6. Alby says:

    Let me do the math for you:

    One candidate is a Republican, running as a Republican.

    The other is a Republican, running as a Democrat.

    I don’t know about how your calculator works, but mine says a traitor is worse than a declared enemy.

    • Mine says neither’s worth voting for.

      • Alby says:

        Then it’s broken. -10 is lower than 0.

        • jason330 says:

          Park City Kathy is truly horrible. ( The stories I’ve heard..oy vey!). She’ll be out after 1 term and an R will have been denied his foothold in statewide office.

        • Hmmm…Elvis Costello’s ‘Less Than Zero’ for tomorrow’s song? Nah.

          Here’s my question for you: Do you think that Spadola had a shot? And if so, do you think that what happened today impacts that?

          • jason330 says:

            No. He never had a shot. He still doesn’t.

            An open seat election, this mid-term? No dice.

          • Alby says:

            @ES: Very little, and probably not, because it didn’t eliminate that small chance.

            I see no satisfaction in not voting for an office. Look at it this way, no matter who you vote for, you’ll be voting against an asshole.

            @jason: Harder to get rid of a Democrat, especially when all elected Democrats will rally around her.

            If Kathy McGuiness were running against Greg Lavelle, I’d vote for Lavelle. That’s how much I hate what she is and stands for.

  7. Beach says:

    Spadola is a phony. He’s running for office because he wants to be something, not DO something. He lost to Harris and immediately started running for another office. He’s one of the rare republicans around that is willing to run for office and isn’t a criminal or a bigot so the republicans at Leadership Delaware are propping him up and crossing their fingers. If he wins, I’m 100% running and winning in 2022 but he won’t win because he doesn’t know how to campaign.

  8. Peter Briccotto says:

    Head. Scratcher.

  9. waterpirate says:

    Both candidates are a shining example of the Delaware grift, regardless of the party they are claiming to represent.

  10. RE Vanella says:

    This is so great. Typical Delaware. I’m away but this is great. Lavelle commented!

    Hahaha. It’s all a fucking scam. Half these scum should be in prison.

  11. Don’t think that was the ‘real’ Greg Lavelle.

  12. RE Vanella says:

    Does it make any difference?

  13. RE Vanella says:

    Joking aside, imagine the fucking slime move you’d have to pull to get me to vote enthusiastically for Kathy. Me…

  14. mediawatch says:

    I was going to vote for Spadola. (I usually vote for 1 R each cycle, either because there’s at least one crappy D on the ballot or it matters little who serves as Recorder of Deeds or Register of Wills.) Spadola was going to get my vote because I thought him to be intelligent and far more qualified for this job than Park City Kathy.
    He just lost my vote … and probably the votes of many other Ds like me. If Wagner had made this move six months ago, I might feel differently. But this is such outrageous political hackery. Let’s give little Jimmy a temporary part-time job three weeks before the election. Amazing.
    I thought Spadola was intelligent. That he couldn’t see how this would play smacks me of being about as smart as your average 2-year-old.

  15. Scuttlebutt302 says:

    Query whether this move would pass Greg Lavelle’s ethical smell test…

  16. Rufus Y. Kneedog says:

    One thing I think both parties can agree with is that the last 8 years at least that office has performed poorly. In identifying himself with the Wagner office, Spadola just killed the last chance he had.
    The only possible scenario where this could be positive is that there is some blockbuster report getting ready to be released and Spadola gets to read the script to reporters even though he had nothing to do with it.
    I thought the “ruling party” ads he had on WDEL were a good start strategically. I think his campaign just ran out of $$. A Hail Mary for a foundering campaign.

  17. Stephanie says:

    Hello to all you people ✌🏼
    You look “uneducated”
    When the words 🙌🏻Park City Kathy…
    Really I’m her family born and raised as well as our deceased father John Kramedas
    So where this “crazy notion” shes from Park City
    … just goes to show … what little you do know
    Spadola was a liberal
    And his timeline
    Of credits. Many jobs 🙌🏻…services
    .. PEOPLE that’s who’s not being honest

    … makes those who say otherwise are VERY UNEDUCATED
    Googled a great tool

    GOOGLE where your mouth is …
    Addition MATH …is a great skill also
    … and reading factS
    And switching parties mR liberal when running and list his bud for State Senate

    I found everything on google
    It’s real facts
    TRY IT OUT 🙌🏻
    See how foolish 1/2 the comments are 🙌🏻🤣🤣🤣
    PARK CITY Kathy 🙌🏻🤣🤣🤣
    (Don’t any of you own property elsewhere)
    She’s hit children
    School breaks

    I’m laughing
    I wasn’t gonna speak up
    I’ve decide … to put out the fire 🔥
    (Can you say the same Mr Spadola
    When did u become a resident)

    • Alby says:

      She voted there while claiming to live in Delaware, and she tried to make the same stunt legal in Rehoboth Beach.

      She has cultivated relationships with politicians of both parties, exactly what we should NOT want in an official who is supposed to audit the state’s expenditures.

      Meanwhile, you look IGNORANT by capitalizing words at RANDOM, not to mention the misspellings and fractured syntax.

      So please, I implore you, go out on the campaign trail so people can see the whole Kremedas clan in action.

      • Alby says:

        “Don’t any of you own property elsewhere?”

        Only about 3.5 million people in the U.S. own two homes, but that isn’t the issue. The issue is she felt entitled to vote there while claiming residency here. This is known in some circles as voter fraud.

        • Joshua says:

          Good God, just because you cannot afford a second home does not mean you need to penalize those who can… just reading your remarks, just shows how disgraceful and rude you are. Then to call somebody an asshole (like a hypocrite) for their opinion on somebody.. Just because you have a stick up your ass doesn’t mean you need to jam up others rear-ends. The woman was just correcting the remarks that you posted on the Internet, but considering you are so factual and knows that much, it’s just surprising. Seeing you have done your research, be sure to actually put down the facts before you try to publicly attacked somebody with your vain and incorrect remarks. Attacking Stephanie for protecting her sister after you slander Kathy, and then you bullying her too? It’s people like you that have too much time online. I’d love to meet you in person to see if you have the backbone to stand behind those nasty words you type.
          No, and as for emojis.. 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼
          Thanks for deciding my booth this year, definitely going with McGuiness

          • Alby says:

            Just because somebody can afford a second home does not mean you should penalize those who can’t.

            “Just because you have a stick up your ass doesn’t mean you need to jam up others rear-ends.”

            I know I don’t have to. I do it because I enjoy it.

            “Seeing you have done your research, be sure to actually put down the facts before you try to publicly attacked somebody with your vain and incorrect remarks.”

            Check the archives. We’ve been covering it for years. Makes you the ignorant one here.

            “Attacking Stephanie for protecting her sister after you slander Kathy, and then you bullying her too? It’s people like you that have too much time online.”

            Fuck yes. Fuck her, fuck Kathy, fuck the whole Kremedas clan. Like we fucking owe them something because they can’t get out of Delaware.

            “I’d love to meet you in person to see if you have the backbone to stand behind those nasty words you type.”

            Come on at me, fuckface.

            “Thanks for deciding my booth this year, definitely going with McGuiness”

            As if you were undecided. You, and she, are both pieces of shit.

            Have I been unclear about any of this?

          • Slander? Where, exactly?

            Y’know, we’ve been critical of McGuiness for some time now. I think this is the first time we’ve gotten pushback from the family.

            Family seems like a buncha thugs.

      • Stephanie says:

        Sorry my grammar is not up to par
        …my thumbs are too big….I’m sure you’ve hit the wrong button before my apologizes
        My Fact are thO. Sorry to burst your bubble

      • Stephanie says:

        Sorry my grammar is not up to par
        …my thumbs are too big….I’m sure you’ve hit the wrong button before my apologizes
        My Fact are thO. Sorry to burst your bubble
        Have a great day …✌🏼🇺🇸

    • Translated from the original Russian?

    • Alby says:

      More likely done on a phone. Note the ready use of emojis, or whatever you call those little icons.

    • Beach says:

      I’m a huge fan of Stephanie! I’ll openly support KM!

  18. Alby says:

    Stephanie has a point. Howzabout we call her Wine Mom Kathy instead?

  19. Beach says:

    You have a great day too! 🙂

    • Alby says:

      Aren’t you the one who says he/she is running for this office four years from now if Spadola wins? Seems like you have a dog in this fight.

      So if you want your $50, you’re going to have to tell me who you are.

      • RE Vanella says:

        Make it a full hundo. I’m in for $50.

        Reveal thyself!

        • Alby says:

          My bet with he/she/it is over the Krista Griffith/Debbie Hudson Capano Hudson race. I keep getting content-free ads for Griffith telling me she supports my values, which is stupid on two counts — she doesn’t know my values, and I don’t live in her district.

      • Beach says:

        Sorry, I should of disclosed my name a long time ago; Kennedy “Beach” Comer.
        I don’t have any personal stake in the race but I do appreciate the significance of the Auditor’s role in protecting the integrity of our government’s operations (not just finances in my opinion) by inspecting and reporting on those same operations.

        • RE Vanella says:


          I thought it was a future campaign contribution.

          Kennedy, I see you as a future podcast guest.

        • Alby says:

          If you want an independent auditor, why would you support McGuiness? Or were you being sarcastic?

          BTW, I’m starting to think you’re right about Griffith, because Hudson is doing absolutely nothing I can see to reach out to non-Republicans.

          • Beach says:

            Nope, not sarcastic. I do support KM.
            Why? From my perspective, I think she’ll do the best job.

            • Alby says:

              You’ll have to explain it better than that. You said you wanted independence. In what way would someone who has curried favor with every elected official she can reach be independent?

              • Beach says:

                The appearance of independence is a fair critique and we’ll see if those concerns pan out. But my other choice for Auditor is Spadola, and I simply don’t have as much respect for him as I do for McGuiness. A vote for Spadola is a vote for a party that scares me especially with his connections Leadership Delaware, a tax scam republican goon mill. Even if we strip the party labels, I see one person who has legitimate experience vs. another who looks like he just wants to be popular.
                I also voted for KM in the primary because DW’s past campaign finance reports were shady as hell, and KD’s drama with the Auditor’s office was concerning.

              • Joshua says:

                Good God Alby, Reading you sickened me.First making comments about somebody’s grammar because you guys have nothing else to say, Also just because you cannot afford a second home does not mean you need to penalize those who can… just reading your remarks, just shows how disgraceful and rude you are. Then to call somebody an asshole (like a hypocrite) for their opinion on somebody.. Just because you have a stick up your ass doesn’t mean you need to jam up others rear-ends. The woman was just correcting the remarks that you posted on the Internet, but considering you are so factual and knows that much, it’s just surprising. Seeing you have done your research, be sure to actually put down the facts before you try to publicly attacked somebody with your vain and incorrect remarks. Attacking Stephanie for protecting her sister after you slander Kathy, and then you bullying her too? It’s people like you that have too much time online. I’d love to meet you in person to see if you have the backbone to stand behind those nasty words you type.
                And as for emojis.. 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼
                Thanks for deciding my booth vote this year, definitely going with McGuiness

              • Alby says:

                I’m not going to type my reply twice.

                Any time, shitface.

                Sorry about your tender sensibilities. Try some Pepto-Bismol.

                PS: “Vain” means something other than what you think it does.

  20. RE Vanella says:

    You look “uneducated”

    Spadola was a liberal…


    • Joshua says:

      Exactly! He probably just went with the Republican Party because everybody was going red this year, just like having claims he was a cop, but only for eight years, wonder why? Some people are just absolutely ridiculous online, bullying each other over who’s going to vote for whom THEY feel is morally correct, is THEIR business. It’s just sad to see people posting false statements to try to sway the votes

      • Alby says:

        And what false statements would those be? That Kathy McGuiness voted in Utah? That she’s a Chamber of Commerce Democrat, i.e. a Republican?

        Do you really “wonder why” or just peddling fact-free smears? An asshole AND a hypocrite. You’re a fucking peach.

  21. RE Vanella says:

    *But in this country it’s good to kill an admiral now and then, to encourage the others.”

    Chapter XXXII

    How Candide and Martin reached the coast of England, and what they saw there.

  22. Andrew says:

    This cheap stunt makes me think McGuiness is the lesser of the two evils, after all. Wow. Looks like I’ll be voting a straight blue ticket this year.

  23. RE Vanella says:

    Stop arguing. Vote McGuiness to fuck Spadola.

    We will continue to fight the Delaware Way, but not like this.

    This isn’t some change of heart. It’s strategic voting. We’ll fuck with McGuiness in due course.

    • Joshua says:

      I know, anybody that researchs properly will know Spadola has gone through so many jobs, so many. Not even over exaggerating for the Internet like most of you people. Yet Kathy Mcquiness has been Rehobeth Commissioner For over a decade, and been a local her whole life. I want somebody who is going to actually take the job serious like McGuiness, unlike those who are probably doing this for his next hobby. I usually vote Republican, But unlike most, I actually vote through facts, not party, because such would be uneducated.
      And no Alby, calling me names won’t change my opinion lol

      • Alby says:

        You’re the asshole who came here with threats.

        As you’ll notice from the name of the blog, we’re liberals here. The fact that I won’t vote for McGuiness is because she’s not one.

        The fact that she’s local is of no interest to me; indeed, it’s a negative, because the whole reason she’s a sham is that she’s friends with these people, and has spent years schmoozing them. She will not act as an independent auditor but as a politician aiming for higher office.

        These are facts. I can’t say for sure you’re a fuckwit, but you’re coming off as one here, so it’s just my opinion.

        If you had read ANYTHING here other than what Stephanie told you about, you’d realize that we don’t like either candidate. But only one of them will have the conservative wing of the Democratic Party behind her, and I consider them a more dangerous enemy than the Republicans.

        BTW, I don’t give a flying fuck who you vote for. Delaware is full of dipshits, so one more won’t make much difference

        • Duke says:

          You give liberals a bad name

          • Alby says:

            Boo hoo. You must be one of those people who think “liberal” means “wuss.”

            We’re not too impressed around here with jerkoffs who show up for the first time because some Delaware Way bootlicker had her feelings hurt.

          • RE Vanella says:

            *full disclosure*

            I’m trying to give liberals a bad name.

            Like Al said, don’t be a goddamn bootlicker.

  24. Alby says:

    @beach: Legitimate experience at what? Cronyism? Insider dealing? She has no legitimate experience relevant to the position. Granted, Spadola is even worse, but I am in no mood to hand the reins of state government to Pete Schwartzkopf, no matter how incompetent the Carney administration is.

  25. Beach says:

    I like Alby’s passion.
    That’s what blogs are for, right? 🙂
    But I would totally dig more Stephanie posts!! 🙂

    • Alby says:

      Don’t get your hopes up.

      “Been in Delaware all my life” is about the lamest excuse for a credential I’ve ever heard. As if Delaware weren’t the shit on the bottom of the national shoe.

  26. Peter Briccotto says:

    Every election there’s on great thread! As Gene Wilder would say, “THIS. IS. IT.”

    Spadola’s stunt was severely disappointing, and yes, to me rather surprising. Why not do this six months ago and give himself a credible shot? Why ruin your campaign message that was resonating with many of Democrats who could not connect with Kathy after her run for Lt. Gov?

    On a personal note, the Krademdas family is one of my community’s most upstanding families. Charitable. Sevice Minded. Passionate. Kathy’s political ambition aside, I appreciate all that they do for the Cape Region. It was why I had such a difficult time backing Spadola, because i felt as though I was disappointing close friends.

    That said, in my opinion, Kathy’s ambitions have always been in plain sight. While I don’t appreciate them, or consider being a commissioner of our beach town hardly a proving ground for good governance, at least she hasn’t duped us.

    She wanted an office, and she was going to do whatever it took to get it. Now, the best we can do is hold her accountable, and hope that she resonates with the folks in Dover who actually care about Delawareans more than corporations.

    If she works as hard at keeping Delaware accountable as she did campaigning, at least the office will get more done.

    • Alby says:

      @Peter: While I admire your positive attitude, I seriously doubt she will take on Dover’s numerous sacred cows. I’m willing to be pleasantly surprised, but I’m also aware of how seldom pleasant surprises come along.

      As for the Kramedas family, that’s nice, but I truly don’t buy the notion that the members of a prominent family are somehow superior, which is the notion that a member of that family came here peddling. I don’t give a good goddamn who her family is. I judge her by what she’s done, not her bloodlines. I save my bloodline analysis for the racetrack.

      • Peter Briccotto says:

        Fair point – I suppose i was trying to express what does get tricky in Delaware…we don’t even have the fortune of six degrees of seperation, and personal friendships get impacted as politicians climb a ladder. I was trying to share that my lack of support in my town for Kathy was bashed, but it is what I felt was right. Doesn’t matter now!

        It’s not easy to make a choice to do what’s right – and I thought I had a choice of another candidate. Didn’t I just learn that lesson?!

        • Alby says:

          Yes, bashing reluctant friends who won’t vote for someone they know regardless of their politics is exactly the sort of hayseed provincialism I expect from downstaters.

  27. mouse says:

    OMG, we’re doomed in this corrupt dirty little state.