Mike Harrington is having his ass utterly and truly kicked

Filed in National by on August 21, 2018

I don’t mean to tread on El Som’s turf, but I see that Bonini has a challenger now (PHILLIPS, LOUISA), which (I think) means that no Republican is running unopposed this year.

While we’ve seen some pitifully ineffective GOP chairs over the years, Mike Harrington seems to be the hands down winner in terms of uselessness.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Good for her.

    In fairness to Harrington, how would ANYBODY like to chair that sinkhole of a Party?

  2. jason330 says:

    Good point. Copeland saw the writing on the wall. Still… if Harrington had any guts or vision he might have been able to steer away from, not toward, the coming disaster.

  3. He’s, what, an 80 year-old guy who only took the position b/c no one else would.

  4. jason330 says:

    Also – instead of a measure of what shit Harrington is this could be a measure of how well Erik Raser-Schramm and the Dem county chairs are doing, so props to them.

    Also (2) – Trump

  5. Alby says:

    The Delaware GOP is a party without funding. Democrats can go to the people. Republicans go to rich people, and the rich people who are left aren’t on board with the slackjaws who provide the party with candidates like Christine O’Donnell. The peckerwoods listening to right-wing radio and watching Fox News are doing that because they either don’t have jobs or have undemanding jobs that pay them a barely-livable wage.

    Rich people aren’t stupid, because if they are — like most lottery winners — they aren’t rich for long.

  6. GOP: Grumpy Old Peckerwoods?

  7. Eiisa Diller says:

    As party chair, you would think that part of the job is to vet candidates. Well, we know that Harrington didn’t do that with the Attorney General candidate, Bernard Pepukayi. If he had bothered to talk to any elected officials, especially Republican New Castle County Councilwoman Janet Kilpatrick, he would known what they were getting with Pepukayi on their ticket. Pepukayi would not have been a contender a Democratic primary and the rush by Republicans to embrace Pepukayi is just embarrassing. Oh yes, and based on his past performance, let’s see him try to make the case that the General Assembly is not part of the State of Delaware…

  8. Steve McQueen says:

    Pepukayi rents office space from La Mar Gunn.

    It doesn’t take much to connect the dots on how this deal was crafted.

  9. Good point. Especially since La Mar Gunn was credited with the announcement video.