Aug. 15 Open Thread: Surreality Show

Filed in National, Open Thread by on August 15, 2018

I really did try to ignore the Omarosa publicity tour, but give her credit — she learned a few things from playing the foil on Trump’s reality shows. Her slow drip of audio recordings, usually released after someone has questioned the truth of some ludicrous claim in her tell-all book, has mesmerized the media and paralyzed the West Wing as staffers try to remember what they might have said in her presence.

Some people seem to be from pinning their hopes on toppling Trump to the supposed N-bomb tapes, which may or may not exist. Lots of people are pointing out that we already know who Trump is and we don’t need tapes to prove it.

In the Watergate-parallel cottage industry, Digby says Omarosa reminds her of Martha Mitchell who, for you kidz who didn’t live through it, was the frequently tipsy wife of Nixon’s thuggish AG, John Mitchell.

The 1,400-page report by the Pennsylvania grand jury investigating sexual abuse in the Catholic Church names more than 300 abusive priests and documents decades of cover-ups that extend all the way to the Vatican. Which prompts the question, why aren’t Alex Jones and his ilk going after an actual, proven pedophile ring operating in plain sight?

Your extended five-year forecast: hotter than the devil’s nutsack.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Two LOL’s in one open thread? It is the sterling prose, or I am laughing to keep from crying.

  2. Paul says:

    I am also trying to avoid the O on media. Reading your post, however, i was struck by the psychological similarity between two distinctly different sub-cultures: the current administration’s WH and West Wing; and Big Brother television show.

  3. bamboozer says:

    Didn’t need Trump to ignore OhMyGrossa as I took to it naturally. On a lighter note: The Catholic Church, another day, another report of child abuse on a massive scale over a long period of time. Who knew? Every bishop in the world.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    Where’s the Marx post? I was commenting, but it bombed out because the post is gone.

    My comment:

    “Capitalists behave like capitalists wherever they are. They pursue the expansion of value through exploitation without regard to the social consequences.”

    —Prof. David Harvey, Crisis In The Space Economy Of Capitalism, p. 424

    David Harvey
    Richard Wolff
    Adolf Reed
    Bill Fletcher Jr

    Read up, folks. We’re doing this.

  5. jason330 says:

    I set it for later tonight. but what the heck