July 22 Open Thread: Democrats in the Woods Looking for Their Balls

Filed in Delaware, National, Open Thread by on July 22, 2018

The timidity of the Democratic Party establishment has long been chronicled ’round these parts, but it’s getting late in the election cycle and the mainstream pundits are starting to react with the same frustration that’s common ’round these parts. America’s best daily newspaper columnist, Leonard Pitts, questions whether the party’s leaders understand that they’re in a contest that will require both clubs and balls.

The power of propaganda is being demonstrated yet again, as Trump voters have uncritically bought his claim that the M-13 gang is a serious threat to America.

You probably paid no attention to the elections in Ecuador, but Julian Assange certainly did, and his buddy Glenn Greenwald is in a panic, claiming it means immediate ejection from its London embassy and probable prosecution. Unfortunately for Mr. Wikileaks, #metoo happened while he was hiding, so most people will want him to face sex charges in Sweden.

No, Trump-supporting soybean farmers don’t regret voting for him. That includes Delaware’s plow jockeys, who in this News Journal story demonstrate the astute reasoning skills you’d expect of a Delaware public school graduate.

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  1. puck says:

    Farm lobbyist, from the article:

    “Trump “rose to popularity because people, especially in the countryside, were very frustrated with big corporations and very wealthy people controlling things,” he said.”

    Well that explains why they didn’t vote for Hillary, but it sure as hell doesn’t explain why they voted for Trump.

  2. Paul says:

    Pitts is wrong on “musty”. He’s musty.

  3. Paul says:

    American journalists are “jealous” of Assange? That makes little to no sense. In fact, it’s nonsense.

  4. Paul says:

    American journalists are “jealous” of Assange? That makes little to no sense. In fact, it’s nonsense.