July 2 Open Thread: Chemistry vs. Physics

Filed in National by on July 2, 2018

The annual “Peanuts” cartoon of Charlie Brown trusting Lucy to hold that football is a wonderful metaphor because it’s so adaptable. Some people see it, like a divorcee’s marriage, as the triumph of hope over experience. Others see the eternal gullibility of the average person. What most people forget are the endlessly inventive inducements Lucy employs to get Charlie Brown to suspend his disbelief just one more time.

Keep those strips in mind whenever you read someone praising Trump’s outreach to North Korea. People with irrational fears about nuclear weapons — we’re going on 75 years of a nuclear-armed world and we’re still the only people who have used them against humans — have responded like marionettes as Trump first provoked a war of words, then pretended to “win” it because he and Kim have “great chemistry.” In fact, it appears (as I mentioned last week) that the country’s nuclear program has not been interrupted, let alone abandoned.

So-called “moderate” Democrats have their template and they’re honing it to a fine point with the help of corporatist tools like Massachusetts Rep. Seth Moulton, an ex-Marine whose PAC is backing other “leaders” with similar backgrounds. This is the vision of America the “moderate” Democrats have — one with the same deference to corporations and the military we get from the GOP, now with 50% less crazy. It’s Clintonism — Bill Clintonism — all over again.

Because we need stuff that makes us feel good sometimes, if you haven’t caught Paul McCartney’s “Carpool Karaoke” episode with James Corden, give yourself a 23-minute treat. Here’s a piece to explain the episode registered 120 million views already.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Thanks for the Carpool Karaoke tip. Awesome. Completely authentic and guileless.

  2. john kowalko says:

    So let’s get this idea of taxing for mileage versus gasoline taxes sorted by logic. It will allow large Tractor Trailers to minimize expenses while still maximizing road damage. It will penalize people that make the proper decision to protect the planet and resources by using less fossil fuels (that have an irreversibly damaging effect on the climate) by buying and driving fuel efficient hybrids and other advanced vehicles that consume much less gasoline. It will reduce costs for those individuals who feel the need to drive gas guzzling vehicles without reservation. In conclusion it is a bad plan, bad idea, and bad policy encouraged and pushed by the fossil fuel companies and the Koch brothers. Also supported by vehicle manufacturers who enjoy huge profit margins on their truck/SUV sales who will see profits jump while no longer needing to invest in fuel efficiency production. Sorry Mother Nature, you should have gotten listed on the stock exchange if you wish to enjoy serious consideration for your plight.
    Representative John Kowalko

  3. truth80 says:

    Seth Moulton has actually recruited candidates that can beat Republicans this fall. You guys gave us Kerri who will lose by 40 points. Moderates are winning. NJ 7, NJ 4, NY 11, Connor Lamb, I could go on all the primary wins we have had.

    Yes you guys got a win in NY 14, a 60 percent latino district in the Bronx. Not impressed.

  4. RE Vanella says:

    Old white dude wins 12 terms but it was demographics! Hahahahahaha.

  5. truth80 says:

    “You know she won tons of young white boter and your scared. Petrified!”

    HAHAHAHAH Young white yuppies from Astoria? Are you familiar with NY at all. Those are your people, workers of the world living on their dads trust fund kids.

    Old white dude never had a real primary, and no primary since 2004 in one of the safest Democratic Seats in the country. You really should do research.

    Also less then a 5 percent turnout. HAHHAHAHA

  6. RE Vanella says:

    You didn’t read it did you? Admit it.

    I thought all the “whites” vote Crowley.

    Get your story straight, you look ridiculous.

  7. bamboozer says:

    Feel free to curse Bernie, but he showed those who would listen that Socialism still sells to the American electorate when they understand what it implies, 100 years of being demonized by the rich or not. Seems they want universal healthcare, maternity leave and rich people paying their fair share for a change. Racism has reared it’s incredibly ugly head yet again, but young people are not buying it, same for homophobia. Progressives will yet win over the Democratic Party, sadly it will take an FDR to do it. Hope like hell to live to see it.

  8. RE Vanella says:


    No real challenger.

    Low turnout.

    Hehehe. You’re awesome.

    You’re scared.

  9. truth80 says:

    Facts hurt in your small little bubble I know.

    I’m just so tired of winning. You guys are to easy.

  10. RE Vanella says:

    I’m awaiting these facts you mentioned.

  11. RE Vanella says:

    You definitely present yourself as a proud winner. Everyone can tell.

  12. truth80 says:

    The District is close to 60 percent latino. FACT

    The turnout was 5%. FACT

    Crowley hadn’t had a primary challenger since 2004. FACT

    Moderates have beat out progressives in most Congressional Primaries. FACT (check out Chuck Todds data download from yesterdays Meet the Press)

    Go ahead vanilla ice cream I will be waiting…

  13. RE Vanella says:

    You sound like a winner. I think we all agree.

    Also, only your wife can call me that. It’s a deal we have.

  14. RE Vanella says:

    You sound like a winner. I think we all agree.

    Also, only your wife can call me that. It’s a deal we have.

  15. Paul says:

    @80 you misspelled “too”. Undermines your persona.

  16. Faithful Skeptic says:

    REV, now we’re down to “I’m fucking your wife, hehehe?”

    I know it’s hot outside, but please.

  17. RE Vanella says:

    Reread the comments, sister/brother. I’m responding in kind. If you’ll notice, I did not laugh after that comment either.

    And for the record, his wife just sucked my balls, so.. I don’t know what counts as what.

    Fuck the police (I could do this everyday)


  18. RE Vanella says:

    If any one of you little fuckers want to come here and stir the shit, don’t fucking cry if you get some on you. Most of you are out of you fucking element.

    I neither have the ability to block anyone nor would I request anyone blocked, ever. But I will fucking humilate you and your family if you want to play fucking games.

    Especially anonymous cowards who can’t satisfy their wives.

    Are we clear?

  19. Liz Allen says:

    HAHAHAHAH Young white yuppies from Astoria? Are you familiar with NY at all. Those are your people, workers of the world living on their dads trust fund kids.

    Sorry Truth, your factless on Astoria. I lived in Soho, Manhattan for 18 yrs, and Astoria for 5. Know NY extremely well. Astoria has international citizens living there. Lots of Greeks, Italians, Spanish, Black Brown…lots of Europeans. Neighorhoods in Astoria are like Soho. People born, raised and live there lifelong. She stated on every TV show who her constituents are, and she knocked on every door 3 times. She won by linking community and their desires with a “peoples agenda” over a corporate democrat who hasn’t had a challenger since 2004? Its the alt right pukes, and the alt right corporate owned dems who are terrified, as well they should be.

  20. Liz Allen says:

    Truth: Please tell us what “moderate democrats” stand for?
    1, $15 an hour min. wage?
    2. Medicare for all?
    3. Education is a right, free tuition for trade schools and colleges.
    4. Right to collective bargaining (settled law).
    5. Roe vs. Wade (settled law
    6. Fair trade not free trade.

    Ok, there is six where do moderates stand. Moderates are incrementalists, inch by inch, no cahones to get the job done. (Thats why corporate america funds their campaigns) just like the pukes.
    Two thirds of US corporations pay no income tax.
    Climate change could make refugees out of 100 million people
    Exxon Mobile worlds largest oil company knew global warming was real in 1981! Spent more than $30M since funding think tanks and research to promote climate denial.
    The Air Force once accidently dropped a fully armed nuclear bomb on NC.
    2/3 US corporations paid no income tax (and that was true even before Trump and Congress slashed corporate tax rates.
    There are 100 CEO’s who’ve amassed more retirement savings than 41% of all Americans combined! Most families headed by women or people of color have NO retirement assets.

  21. Liz Allen says:

    Walmart being booed in India. Walmart has taken $16 billion out of India, putting Indian merchants out of business. The $16Billion profit by Walmart…..did they pay US taxes?

    On ICE they gotta go. Time to start over. When an Ice agent can REFUSE admission by muliple US Senators, and say: I don’t work for you, I work for the President? Ban em. Trumps goon squad.

  22. Liz Allen says:


    San Francisco, and the unions joined them. Shut em down!

  23. Liz Allen says:


    Manhattan too…its spreading to a city near you.

  24. RE Vanella says:

    I know the guy at the Tacoma action. He’s a courageous dude.

    You know. I’m going to write you all a story for tomorrow. I’m going to do it now.

  25. That Carpool Karaoke was awesome! Especially the surprise McCartney and Corden gave at the end!

  26. Alby says:

    “The District is close to 60 percent latino. FACT”

    No, the district is 49.8% Hispanic.