March 31 Open Thread: What Put the Ape in Apricot?

Filed in National by on March 31, 2018

Delaware lawmakers with cold feet about gun control should look to the north, where Vermont — a far more rural state with gun attitudes typical of such places — passed a landmark gun bill that the state’s Republican governor said he will sign. C’mon, Delaware lawmakers — what makes the Hottentots so hot? What have they got that you ain’t got?

Laura Ingraham’s nasty streak has her in hot water with advertisers, and Fox, eager to avoid another Bill O’Reilly-style defenestration, has given her a week off to see if it all blows over.

Courage, it seems, is sorely lacking in today’s Delaware legislators. Many have noted the bald-faced hypocrisy of Ernie Lopez, who marched with students on March 24 but voted against gun bills in the legislature days later. Today he has an op-ed in the State News explaining that he just can’t support those laws because they “go too far.” Yeah, he’s not the best guy to go to if you’re looking for plausible bullshit. He’s Delaware’s Marco Rubio.

Family obligations kept this so short, so add anything I missed.

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  1. jason330 says:

    I wish I had a library of campaign mailings so I could pick out all the politicians crowing about their A+ ratings from the NRA.

  2. bamboozer says:

    The thing about gun control is you know the next massacre is coming, and soon at that. You also know the politicians are a collection of cowardly hypocrites from hell. Lopez certainly pulled a Rubio on this one, but by now we all know there will be “the next time”.

  3. Dana Garrett says:

    Vermont has a Republican governor? He must be so non Republican by contemporary standards that I doubt he’ll be invited to the next GOP national convention.