The year in blogging – March & April 2017

Filed in National by on December 24, 2017

Senator Nicole Poore and disgraced ex-Senator Tony DeLuca joined together in March to oppose consideration of Acting Labor Secretary Patrice Gilliam-Johnson to continue in that position under Gov. Carney:  Nicole and Tony Sittin’ In a Tree, P-I-S-S-I-N-G…. First class work there Nicole. If it were not for petty, self-serving Democrats we may have no Democrats at all.

In April we found out that The Clinton Campaign Was Every Bit As Bad As You Thought It Was.

In fact, the portrait of the Clinton campaign that emerges from these pages is that of a Titanic-like disaster: an epic fail made up of a series of perverse and often avoidable missteps by an out-of-touch candidate and her strife-ridden staff that turned “a winnable race” into “another iceberg-seeking campaign ship.”

“Our failure to reach out to white voters, like literally from the New Hampshire primary on, it never changed,” one campaign official is quoted as saying.

I don’t know about you, but for me it seemed that 2016 was never going to stop punching me in the balls.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    While I’m all for adopting a defensive posture concerning being kicked in the balls it should be noted that I have never seen a failed campaign that was not labeled horrible, poorly run and/or doomed to fail. Usually pundits, popes and prophets include some insider tips to imply “if only they had listened!” all would have been well. Trump being elected for me is summed up as “nobody ever went broke betting on the stupidity of the American people” ’cause lordy, lordy we be a simple bunch at times.