Open Thread For October 21, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on October 21, 2017

Four-Star General Is Four-Star Liar. I mean, Kelly really lied. Got caught and got called out on it. It’s easy when you’re acting that dismissive about a black legislator.  He, of course, won’t apologize. And that Sarah Hucksterbee Sanders claims it’s ‘highly inappropriate’ to get in a debate with a four-star general.  Sarah? It’s not a debate when one person has been shown to be lying and the other has been shown to have told the truth. This administration, oy.

Sussex Will Be More Of A Hellhole Moving Forward.  Overdevelopment outstripping transportation infrastructure. Who woulda guessed?

Trump Lied About Contacting Gold Star Families. Not only hadn’t he contacted them, he had no idea who they were.  After Trump made the phony claim, DOD went into overdrive to find out the names that Trump had never had.

DNC Chair Purges Progressives From Key Positions. I don’t want to hear from any of the pathetic apologists who countenance this shit. If you want to hear from them, you know where to find them. This Party sucks. Hillarybots still in control. $$’s for candidates only. No more to this corporate ass-kissing excuse of a political party.

Indiana County Stops Life-Saving Needle Exchange Program, Citing–The Bible.  Maybe the Heartland gets what it deserves.

Could Emoluments Clause Bring Down Trump? Maybe–or at least they could lead to the release of his tax returns.  Speaking of which, Trump has ties to this Iranian business that he has not threatened to sanction.  The secret conflicts-of-interest of this guy, oy.

What do you want to talk about?



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  1. CinqueB says:

    Damn, I’d say this place is losing it. Nothing on the 20th and it is 1830 on a Saturday, and Not a Comment. I’d say it is over. By Bernie.

  2. lebay says:

    >Damn, I’d say this place is losing it. Nothing on the 20th and it is 1830 on a Saturday, and Not a Comment. I’d say it is over. By Bernie.

    Did you have a comment that contributes to the discussion?

  3. alby says:

    @Cinque: And yet here you are, so what’s that say about you?