Steve Bannon and Hillary Clinton Are Right About China

Filed in National by on August 18, 2017

As much as I hate to agree with the loathsome fucking Nazi, Steve Bannon, he has a point on China.

(CNN)Embattled White House chief strategist Steve Bannon declared in an interview published Wednesday that the US is at “economic war with China,” promised aggressive trade actions against Beijing and said he is “fighting” other top White House aides “every day.”

“Economic War” is stupid language, but we are certainly engaged in tough competition with China and it is a competition we are losing. China is investing heavily in high technology design and manufacturing across the board. From solar, to silicon, to aerospace, China is putting billions into building the jobs of the future. We aren’t.

Unlike China, we don’t have a coordinated industrial policy, and so we allow companies to invest where ever they decide they can achieve the best returns THIS QUARTER. For the past 20 years that investment has been in climate change denial, moving money around, and Malaysian sweatshops.

It is s stupid short-sighted, losing strategy that one candidate last year tried to address. That candidate’s name was Hillary Clinton. images

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Delaware Left says:


  2. jason330 says:

    I had to look up weesh, which urban dictionary defines as “weak”. I take it you have some critique of the post or our lack of industrial policy, but your comment is far too concise for me to figure out what you are driving at.

  3. alby says:

    Uh, I don’t think you actually agree with him. China is moving ahead on all those technologies because its citizens cannot vote to cut their own taxes.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Trump must have heard about me agreeing with him.