Filed in National by on June 30, 2017

When you give away everything before negotiations even begin… when you imagine that Republicans will be reasonable partners in effective governance, what the fuck do you think is going to happen?

This a shitshow. How is it even possible in 2017 that we can have Democrats who are this naive and/or stupid?


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Rufus Y. Kneedog says:

    The theatre being played out here with nonprofits being used as pawns is a complete disgrace. Grant in aid goes straight to programs. Any budget that includes a 20% grant in aid cut is unacceptable.
    And the worst part is we’ll all be right back here again next year.

  2. Jason330 says:

    This all goes back to the insipid budget reset power point that gave up the fight to raise revenue on minute one of day one of This shit show.

    The Democrats could have passed a strong revenue package in the House and fought it out in the Senate, but they lacked the LEADERSHIP required to do it.

  3. mouse says:

    This could easily push non political types and independents toward the nutty Republicans. It has to get real bad for that to happen. Really hate the Democrats right now.

  4. Jason330 says:

    There is only a budget crisis if you believe that Delaware’s taxes must be 17% below the national average.

    There is only a budget crisis if you believe Multi-national corporations can’t pay an extra $50.00 to be incorporated here.

    There is only a budget crisis if you believe everyone who makes $60,000 or more should pay the same low tax rate.

    This state has plenty of money. The problem is that the money is being hoarded by a small number of very wealthy families and corporations.

  5. alby says:

    This is why Delaware will go Republican in 2020. Ever since the rise of the Tea Party, moderate Republicans have been disappearing. And what are the people leading Delaware if not moderate Republicans posing as Democrats?

  6. chris says:

    Both Carney and Pete are Democrats in name only but really moderate Republicans anyhow….

  7. Claire says:

    Well put Jason330.

  8. Don Peterson says:

    So true Jason330. There is no reason we should be where we are. We need new leadership.