Open Thread For June 28, 2017

Filed in Delaware, National by on June 28, 2017

Baynard Stadium, Sallies Deal Moves Forward. No thanks to Charles Potter, who stuck his nose into the deliberations back in November.

Manafort Retroactively Files As Foreign Agent. Represented Ukraine officials closely aligned with Putin. Hey, it was merely a $17.1 million oversight. Nothing to see here, folks.

Jay Sekulow Funneled Millions From Christian Charity To–His Own Family. Like client, like lawyer. Total scum. You really should read this. He especially preyed upon the poor.

Same-Sex Marriage Coming to Germany?  Looks like it. Merkel has had a change of heart.

Meet Trump’s Director of Abstinence Education.  Another double-dealer spouting purity of purpose.

Why A Major State-Church Supreme Court Decision Shouldn’t Have Happened.  The parties were already in agreement.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. jason330 says:

    This Wdel headline gives Carney an artificial spine, suggesting he coined “wealthcare” as a line of attack against Trumpcare. If he did, more power to him. The article doesn’t really support the suggestion in the headline though.

    Carney, Dems attack GOP’s ‘wealthcare’ for targeting ‘vulnerable populations’

    That said, he is loudly against the GOP’s malfeasance – but that’s what he is supposed to do. It is hard to get excited about someone doing his job….FOR ONCE.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    Carney’s number one priority is to perpetuate Delaware’s status as a top notch sub-national tax haven for the most wealthy. If some system favors the filthy rich he should understand it very well.

  3. SussexWatcher says:

    He’s against it because it would hurt the state budget. Numbers are all he knows and cares about.

  4. alby says:

    Anyone been following the brouhaha over John McEnroe pointing out that Serena Williams is the best female tennis player ever, but that doesn’t make her the best tennis player ever?

    There has not been even the pretense of objectivity over this, because if people were objective they would acknowledge that McEnroe is, of course, right (not that she’d rank “like 700,” which was obvious hyperbole, but that she’s not better than the best male players). Every left-wing site doesn’t just report on it, they slag McEnroe repeatedly, without every pointing out that he’s right.

    Now I see that Serena’s nude cover photo — obviously shot weeks ago, as even the most frequently printed magazines have almost a week’s lag time — is being touted as her “response” to what is supposedly some big insult.

    To the 31% of white male Americans who did not vote for Clinton, that’s what The Left stands for — forcing people to swear allegiance to a reality just as false as the one Trumpkins believe in.

  5. My take on McEnroe was that he just wanted to get his name out there, maybe felt that no one was paying attention to him. Making hyperbolic statements is something not unfamiliar to McEnroe. Williams didn’t want any part of turning this into Bobby Riggs/Billie Jean Part II.

    I also think McEnroe was and remains a supreme asshole.

  6. anonymous redux says:

    yes. thanks for bringing this up. and that 700 figure is not far off. a sports illustrated tennis writer said Serena probably could not beat the 500th-ranked male. so what? women don’t have the physical strength. but, you know, it goes against the hear me roar narrative. not sure putting naked pregnant women on magazine covers has a wide appeal, either. but liberal websites insist that it’s “beautiful” even in headlines, encouraging readers to agree. personally I don’t care one way or another about these covers (beyonce too, of course), but they don’t help broaden the democratic base. once again, just why is it we can’t win elections?

  7. anonymous redux says:

    by the way, an interviewer brought this up, not McEnroe. when he said she was the best women’s player in the world she replied with something like, don’t you mean the best period? he gave an honest answer to the question asked, which is that hundreds of men would beat her. we’re against honesty now? thought that was a trump thing.

  8. alby says:

    @ar: Agreed.

    I have no idea many male professionals Serena could defeat, because I don’t know enough about tennis. I would guess she could beat some of the top 50 but I’m truly too ignorant to know. But that’s immaterial. The issue isn’t how good she is or isn’t, or whether she’s the “best player ever,” it’s that left-leaning media shows itself just as eager to force people into groupthink as the right is.

    My real gripe here isn’t with the people who feel she’s the best tennis player ever; “who’s the best ever?” is the source of countless sports arguments.

    It’s with the members of the media who insist that McEnroe transgressed by giving an honest answer, and their blatant attempts to shame him. This would happen to anyone who dares disagree, which has the effect of raising the hackles of people who do disagree. This is the sort of thing that makes white males reluctant to back a party of SJWs.

    Here’s a clue, since the SJWs don’t have one: Trying to shame people works the opposite of trying to woo them.

    I also don’t know enough about McEnroe’s life in recent years to claim that he remains a supreme asshole.

  9. fightingbluehen says:

    The #701 in the world, Dmitri Tursunov, seems to think he could beat Serena Williams.

    I doubt Serina Willims or John McEnroe are in any dire need of cash, but they could really run with this and make some if they wanted to…..Maybe even old Dmitri could get in on the gig.

  10. Arthur says:

    A) considering Serena is pregnant i doubt she’ll be playing anyone soon.
    B) its comparing apples and oranges. they are different sports. men play best of 5, women play best of 3 sets
    c) i’m sure Serena could beat a top 500 male player in best of three sets on a good day. now way a top 50 player

    and i agree that giving an honest answer to a question is now verboten. Mike Schmidt dealt with it a month ago when he said a current Phillies player would have trouble being a team leader because he didnt speak english. Yes, it would be tough if 70-80% of the team couldnt understand him.

    And hands down Serena is the greatest womens tennis player of all time. however back in 1998 the 200 ranked mens player beat both serena and venus back to back in single set matches and the male player had played golf earlier and been drinking. again, its 2 different sports

  11. jason330 says:

    How is McEnroe different from an adjunct at the U of D saying something dumb? There is a segment of the “news” media that is on the “outrage beat.” When it suits them to pull some random bullshit and create an outrage, they do it. I often wonder when my life will be turned upside-down because something here makes it to the outrage desk of Fox News.

    There is no purpose of utility to a story like this, other than its usefulness in getting dumb people to occupy their minds with dumb shit.

  12. anonymous redux says:

    McEnroe said something that could be verified. he was correct. to be outraged by it anyway is to embrace alternative facts. dettwyler expressed an opinion. disagreement is a reasonable response to opinion. there is every bit as much “outrage” on the left as the right. that’s what the McEnroe story is all about. do you never read huffpo, slate, salon . . . ? if not, you won’t find out when you’re doing something wrong. I do get that in a way it’s all bullshit that we shouldn’t spend our time on. but people like this stuff and cultural statements are often a good index to ideas that shape politics. Serena is a political symbol.

  13. alby says:

    Thanks to all who know enough about the sports (they look the same to me, or else there wouldn’t be mixed doubles) to educate me.

    My point is that the left-leaning press fosters this for its own benefit. We have our mindless minions just like the right does. My observation after 25 years of Republican resistance, fed mostly by big-money conservative media, is that propaganda works. I’m busy enough fending off bullshit from the right. I don’t need any from the left, thank you very much.

  14. Kelly says:

    The reason Charles Pottet got involved in The Baynard Stadium project is because he needs some money to pay for the $116000.00 lien on his house for not paying SC&A Construction Co for fixing his ROOF.

  15. That’s a total cheap shot and probably not even true.

    Keep ’em comin’!

  16. Kelly says:

    If you done think it is true the Google up Charles Potter Mechanics Lein and it will show you the court case starting in 2011.

  17. Puzzler says:

    This 500 or 700 number of men who could beat Serena sounds like bullshit to me. This woman is an uber athlete.

    Also I’m thinking if she weren’t pregnant, she could throw McEnroe’s scrawny ass through a plate glass window. He oughta just wrap his head around being old.

  18. john kowalko says:

    Manafort has a couple of those Delaware LLC’s with his Ukranian chums that the Corporate Bar Association and Representative Melanie Smith (atty with Fingers, Layton etc big LLC agent for hire) feel should not be required to report or crosscheck LLC they are hired by for money laundering, terrorist connections, drug smuggling and arms dealing. HB 57 that Rep. Smith fought tooth and nail to successfully bury in committee would have required transparency and exposure of the Manaforts and ElChapo’s
    Representative John Kowalko

  19. alby says:

    “Also I’m thinking if she weren’t pregnant, she could throw McEnroe’s scrawny ass through a plate glass window.”

    Doubtful. Also seems like a harsh penalty for telling an uncomfortable truth.

  20. alby says:

    @kowalko: I heard this might be the Spawn of George’s last term. Good riddance to second-generation rubbish.

  21. While nothing’s ever certain, she and her husband have bought a house outside her district. She wanted a judgeship, but didn’t even have her name submitted by the nominations committee.

    Which is why I wouldn’t be shocked if she gets a golden parachute. Hey, how about a President-In-Waiting position at Del Tech? If it was good enough for Mark Brainard…

  22. alby says:

    Actually, I was being hyperbolically harsh. She’s actually smart and effective. Too bad she doesn’t work for the people.

  23. She’s less effective than she used to be. Made some unnecessary enemies.

    Plus, I’d LOVE to know why she flipped from sponsoring death penalty repeal to voting for death penalty restoration. Doesn’t seem like the kind of position one changes like their underwear.