People who support John Carney in this Primary are helping Ken Simpler Win

Filed in National by on June 23, 2017

You dolts are playing into Ken Simpler’s hands. He wants you to support Carney and fight a damaging primary so that Dems are divided and angry when the general election gets here. Carney is a vanity candidate that stands for nothing other that fucking up the rightful nominees chances. Get a clue you unrealistic Carney zealots! Ken Simpler is the real opponent.

(Ed Note: I’m just gearing up and getting ready of the inevitable, substance-less arguments that will be a daily (hourly?, 5-minutely?) feature of this blog’s comments section when Carney faces a primary for his vaguely right of center, but otherwise feckless first term. The names will change, Carney’s name will change position, but the arguments are evergreen.)


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    For Republicans, a Carney-Simpler race would be a win-win proposition.

    If Carney gets a credible primary opponent to the left, the Delaware establishment will do what it always does: get a couple other tomato cans to run to dilute the anti-status quo vote.

  2. Jason330 says:

    I don’t think it is a given that he’ll be primaried. I like how salty Dems are getting though.

  3. puck says:

    Nobody is going to primary Carney.

    If 2018 or 20 is a wave election, it will be an anti-incumbency wave, not a progressive wave or anti-Trump wave. Carney and the Ds will get thrown out in Delaware, Rs will get thrown out nationally.

    It’s still the economy, stupid. Once the effect of the incumbents’ misguided policies starts hitting the economy for real, the bums will be thrown out, R and D alike.

  4. Stewball says:

    Carney has wasted the first six months of his term from an economic development standpoint. He better hope the Chamber’s public-private boondoggle and gutting the Coastal Zone Act actually create jobs eventually – two things that are questionable at best.

  5. SussexWatcher says:

    “Carney has wasted the first six months of his term.”

    FIxed that for you.

  6. alby says:

    It’s pretty obvious some fix is in on the CZA “reform” from the players involved who have no public questions about it. That leads me to believe they all have been informed who the intended beneficiary is (or are) of the changes being made. Why are they hiding what it is?

  7. Stewball says:

    @SussexWatcher — I honestly think Carney will waste his entire first term (will leave speculating on a second for another day). In his 08 campaign, his ’16 campaign and in his administration so far, no potential for strong leadership has been shown.

    @Alby – I agree it is weird that there haven’t been any specific examples of what type of project or which kinds of jobs will be created by this Coastal Zone bill. Sunoco’s facility that straddles the PA/DE line is natural gas, I believe, and the bill specifically doesn’t apply to LNG facilities. I think either the goofballs working on this bill didn’t know enough to make changes that would actually do some good.

  8. Arthur says:

    The only way he doesnt get re elected is if Craper retires and he slides into his seat. Who was the last 1 term delaware governor?

  9. Jason330 says:

    I think the answer is “it has never happened”

  10. Russ Peterson and ‘One-Term’ Sherm Tribbitt.

    Ruth Ann Minner would also have lost her reelection bid if the election was held one week later.

    It’s not as if it can’t be done.

  11. Liz says:

    Carney not the brightest guy. He is no leader willing to follow the corporate leaders rather than our citizens needs and desires. No way carper would run for governor. Carney needs a progressive like kowalko to run and shake this state up

  12. Point of Order says:

    Just out of curiosity, what are the chances Rep. Kowalko wins the Democratic primary? Progressives have a hard time state-wide in the Democratic party, and even worse in general elections.

    Running isn’t how one shakes things up, winning is.

  13. Jason330 says:

    Well you can’t win if you don’t run. But you can also accomplish a lot just by running. I think pushing Carney on some basic tenets on what it means to be a Democrat, for example.

  14. Stewball says:

    The way to beat Carney in a primary is to raise more money than he will and combine those funds with a dynamc, bold, effective message. You can hammer the hell out of him on the minimum wage, actually creating jos, protecting the environment after Carney sold out to polluters on the Coastal Zone Act, protecting our schools from short-sighted budget cuts, etc. Kowalko won’t be able to raie enough money, even if he holds a shaving-insprired fundraiser similar to the one Carney hold before the 08 primaary — even though JK will be shaving his head instead of his mustache, it still won’t bring in enough money. Even if he held a Kowalko-dance-a-thon, he still wouldn’t come close.

  15. Harold says:

    El Som: What happened a week after the 04 election?

  16. alby says:

    @PoO: And the only way to win is by…?

  17. RE Vanella says:

    “To win over the working class permanently, the Fascists would have to raise the general standard of living, which they are unable and probably unwilling to do. The struggle of the working class is like the growth of a plant. The plant is blind and stupid, but it knows enough to keep pushing upwards toward the light, and it will do this in the face of endless discouragements.” –George Orwell, ‘Visions of a Totalitarian Future’, 1942

  18. mouse says:

    Bill Lee would have been a legacy governor

  19. mediawatch says:

    Bill Lee didn’t want to be governor. Hell of a legacy that would have been. Possibly better than Ruth Ann, but more like Carney with a smidgen of personality.

  20. Harold: Ruth Ann Minner was likely cruising to a comfortable win when an employee was raped at (I think) the Vaughn Correctional Center.

    Minner, who had based her career on projecting empathy, said something along the lines of “Well, what do EXPECT when you’re a woman working in a prison?”

    Needless to say, the race got a lot closer. Really close, in fact.