Open Thread For June 2, 2017

Filed in Delaware, Featured, National by on June 2, 2017

Trump Cites Fake Facts To Justify Exit From Paris Accords.  What R will stand up to this nut?

How To Fight Climate Change W/O Trump?   Wonder if Trump will try to shut down this gambit. Leadership w/o the putative leader.

‘Patriotic Hacking’:  Putin knows that he’s been caught. Time to put some distance between him and those who carried out his orders. Besides, it’s not illegal if the President does it, right?

Potters Lose In Court Over Plans to Rip Off Contractor.  Just in case you missed it from yesterday. They employed the same deadbeat tactics that Trump routinely uses: ‘dissatisfaction with the work’.  They just don’t have Trump’s high-priced lawyers to keep them from not paying what they owe. Rip-off artists.

Trump Orders Denial of Information Requests To D Legislators.  The Rethuglican Party is a criminal element at the highest levels of government.  Here’s more proof if you needed it.

Speaking Of Which, Devin Nunes Is Ba-a-a-a-ck. Once again, in Change the Subject mode.

What do you want to talk about today?

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  1. jason330 says:

    The American Council on Capital Formation (ACCF) President Dumbfuck regards as reliable is a well known Koch Brothers funded climate denial front group. Fake research.

  2. Ben says:

    Hopefully John Carney (R) will join the growing list of governors who will stick by the accord. I doubt it though, It would require a spine.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    Mueller is seating a grand jury to continue investigating Flynn. See Reuters. Queue Chopin’s Death March.

  4. alby says:

    In the future, “in like Flynn” is going to mean “incarcerated.”

  5. Ben says:

    it will mean “get away with treason, because no one exists who will hold you accountable”
    I cant believe you still think this shit ends before jan 20 2025.

  6. Aurochs says:

    I’m generally not a fan of the deregulated electricity market, what with all the door-to-door salespeople telling me that they’re from “the power company” and asking to see my bill. But I’m seriously wondering if I should go to one of the 100% renewable plans.

  7. Ben says:

    Comey wont get to testify. Drump will block him from doing it and congress will shrug.

  8. fightingbluehen says:

    Kathy Griffin: “I’m not afraid of Donald Trump”

    Now, that’s a surprising angle of approach to damage control. Sort of out of the box..I’m almost impressed.

    Yeah, Kathy. You go girl…We’re not afraid of Donald Trump either !!!!

  9. SussexAnon says:

    Delaware loses out on jobs (and energy) again. Windfarm off of Delawares coast will power Maryland. The ports used for the project will be Baltimore and OCMD.
    I wonder if the rich people on the coast in Delaware fighting against this idea years ago had anything to do with it? hmmmm.

  10. fightingbluehen says:

    Stop insulting farm animals.