$2 Billion Is A Lot of Money

Filed in Delaware by on April 5, 2017

The good news is that Delaware has the lowest wage gap between men and women in the US. The bad news is that there’s a wage gap.

On average, women in Delaware earn 89 cents for every dollar a man makes.

11 cents is the country’s lowest pay gap per state (Delaware is tied with New York for lowest pay gap) but these lost earnings add up over a year, according to Sarah Fleish Fink of the National Partnership for Women and Families.

“If the annual wage gap were eliminated the average working woman in Delaware would be able to afford more than eight more months of child care or approximately 46 more weeks of food for her family, which is nearly a year’s worth of food,” she said.

Women in Delaware are losing $6,000 a year. Statewide, that adds up to $2 billion a year in lost wages.

About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Agreed. And I support the legislation.

    However, Delaware workers are losing ground b/c our minimum wage is so bleeping putrid.

    Women deserve equal pay for equal work. And EVERY Delaware worker deserves a reasonable wage increase. I just don’t want this initiative to drown out the call for a living wage for all.