March 27, 2017 Open Thread

Filed in Delaware, Open Thread by on March 27, 2017

4 dead in one day from heroin in Delaware (link)

Man, 30, is 13th fatally shot in Wilmington this year (link)

1 business destroyed, others damaged after massive fire on Market Street in Wilmington (link)

It’s a homecoming for Christina’s new Superintendent (link)

Delaware jobless rate ticks up again for February (link)

About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. mouse says:

    Yeah, but on Saturday it was 77 degrees ocean front on the Bethany boards. The median age was the ironically the same number lol.

  2. mouse says:

    Clearly the most important thing to save Delaware lol sad

  3. Jason330 says:


    The bill has broad bipartisan support, with prime sponsorship shared between Republicans and Democrats in both legislative chambers. Among the measure’s initial primes are: State Rep. William Carson, D-Smyrna; State Rep. John “Larry” Mitchell, D-Elsmere; State Rep. Steve Smyk, R-Milton-Lewes; State Sen. Bruce Ennis, D-Smyrna; State Sen. Dave Lawson, R-Marydel; and State Sen. Brian Pettyjohn, R-Georgetown.

  4. mouse says:

    Shrink, I want to kill