It is times like this that I miss Mike Castle

Filed in National by on March 23, 2017

Long time readers will remember my ongoing love/hate feelings for Mike Castle. I hated Castle’s down the line GOP voting record, but I loved his crazy rationalizations for why a sincere “moderate” like him needed to cast all of those party line votes.

I’m certain that is Castle was still in the house, he’d be voting with the GOP leadership to pass the bloody abortion known as Trumpcare. Then we’d get the anguished rationalization about how pained he was by having to “vote for this deeply flawed” legislation. It was as full of pathos, and as cloyingly predictable as a Joel Osteen sermon on why God wants us all to be rich fuckers.

Mike Castle and the uniformed

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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