Question of the Day

Filed in Delaware by on February 27, 2017

Would Delaware be better off with Colin Bonini being governor rather than John Carney? At least with Bonini, we would know what we are fighting against, rather than this amorphous Democrat we have now.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

Comments (13)

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  1. mediawatch says:

    With Carney, at least we’d have a budget every year.
    As a senator, Bonini has never voted in favor of a state budget. As governor, I would expect him to remain true to form and veto every budget that the GA approved, forcing a messy override vote, requiring a supermajority, every year.
    Other than that, however, there’s not much difference.
    Oh, one other distinction: Bonini is a joke, and Carney doesn’t have a sense of humor.

  2. Jason330 says:

    Carney is in DC kissing Trump’s ring today. I hope someone snaps a photo.

  3. bamboozer says:

    Carney is worthless and addicted to “reaching across the aisle” to sell the party and the people out. However having met and talked with Le Grande Humpty Bonini I can honestly say it could be worse, and Bonini is the man for the job.

  4. A guy with no vision vs. a guy who couldn’t organize a one-car funeral.

    What a choice.

  5. mediawatch says:

    El Som,
    Are you referring to Carney-Bonini or Daniello-Copeland, the duo that gave us that pathetic choice?

  6. chris says:

    Although no vision, Carney shows up for work.

  7. RE Vanella says:

    If death from thirst is nearing I’ll drink tepid urine before poison. Ideally I’ll never be in that situation, again.

  8. DelawareLIBjr says:

    At this point what is the difference really…now that Hansen won let’s get the early read on statewides and key gen assembly races next cycle. We need something to get our juices flowing!! I’m having Election withdrawal.

  9. Patience, my friend. Already thinking of putting together a list of contests that cry out for insurgent candidates–either in the primaries or the general. Got a few articles ahead of that one, though.

  10. DelawareLIBjr says:

    Cannot wait el som

  11. AA says:

    @DelawareLIBjr ~ I hate to sound like a broken record, but city council and school board races are coming up and they’re so so so important!! If you’re really catching the campaign bug, many of the smaller races I’m sure need help!

  12. DelawareLIBjr says:

    AA… so rooting for you and think that us dems need to focus on building from the base up which often starts with school boards etc. I have already heard rumblings since last Election Day about possible statewide primaries to take on GOP incumbents (hopefully we can unite) and look to Del lib to lay out what’s rumor and/or real. Btw hope u win and will donate!

  13. AA says:

    DelLibjr…. thank you so much!! That’s how we gain power nationally again! Start reclaiming school boards, city councils, and county governments!