Tom Carper, Wall Street’s Tom Hagen

Filed in Delaware by on February 10, 2017

This morning on my Facebook feed had a link for Tell Sen. Tom Carper To Stand with Elizabeth Warren and Consumers, not Donald Trump and Wall Street. This is about changing the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau into a bipartisan commission instead of an independent director lead bureau. It looks like this tactic has been dropped. When bankers met with Democrats, Tom Carper was there with his hand out and his banking mouthpiece running at full steam.

At least one Democrat, Sen. Tom Carper of Delaware, has said publicly that he’s open to the commission idea.

“I’ve been interested in exploring the idea of a commission-like approach,” Carper said in an interview Tuesday. “This is one of these deals we should have open hearings on, discuss and debate it, hear from all sides and then make an informed decision.”

Carper, who represents a blue state where the financial services industry has substantial influence, does not sit on the Senate Banking Committee, but he has long been open to the idea of a five-member commission. When CFPB Director Richard Cordray’s nomination was before the Senate in 2011, Carper said: “We may have to look at the idea of a commission-based structure, and I would love to sit down with my colleagues from the other side of the aisle and debate this issue.”

Oh, for fuck’s sake. We all need to understand that Tom Carper will always side with Wall Street while gleefully screwing over the people of Delaware. We need to squash the illusion that Carper is in anyway a liberal. If he takes a liberal position, he got there by accident. Carper must be primaried.

About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Alby says:

    “This is one of these deals we should have open hearings on, discuss and debate it, hear from all sides and then make an informed decision.”

    Really, Tom Carper? Of all the truly important issues and odious policies that get ramrodded through Congress on straight party-line votes, THIS is the one we should single out for special consideration and rational debate?

    Dude, the 20th Century called. It wants its platitudes back.