What have you done to resists Trump today (Jan 24th, 2017) ?

Filed in Delaware by on January 24, 2017

First the pep-talk…

These phone-call prompts are working. I have two almost entirely non-political friends who have been motivated to make calls for the first time ever because of these posts and comments. Keep it up! It works!

We need to keep the pressure on Carper and Coons. They are on the front lines of resisting Trump. If they fold on resisting these nominations, they will fold on maintaining a Democratic filibuster. AND WE CAN’T LET THAT HAPPEN!

The vote to confirm Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education has been delayed. The hearing of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions will now be held at 10 a.m. Jan. 31, according to an advisory from the committee.

1) Call Coons or Carper at their Wilmington offices, and tell them to vote no on Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education.

Coons Wilmington: 302-573-6345
Carper Wilmington: 302-573-6291

2) Text the Wilmington contact number to 2 friends.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (6)

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  1. Jason330 says:

    I gotta nag. Get thee to at least one phone call today.

  2. Ben says:

    Please dont stop nagging. We cannot rest until the end.

  3. Paula says:

    I hope you continue these daily posts — I’m going to tag some friends on Facebook.
    Does anyone know if calling every day about the same issue (or nominee) is useful? I called about Betsy DeVos yesterday. I thought I’d focus on Price today.

    Also, I’m trying to find things to thank people for, give them some positive reinforcement. For instance, I called Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester’s office yesterday to thank her for attending the Women’s March in DC (she was up on the dias with the Black Women’s Caucus), and I thanked Coons for sponsoring the ERA bill and for attending the march. I’ve been having a hard time finding things to thank Carper for, but I just saw a press release about why he did not support Pompeo for director of the CIA, so next time I call, I’ll thank him for that. http://www.carper.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/2017/1/carper-statement-on-senate-confirmation-of-mike-pompeo-to-head-cia

    I would love it if we could direct some calls to Gov. Carney as well, maybe press him to make a statement on legal abortion, especially ahead of Feb 11, when there will be Defund Planned Parenthood rallies across the country (see protestpp.com).

  4. chris says:

    96 bipartisan yes votes to confirm Nikki Haley for UN Ambassador .

    4 no votes ( Coons from Delaware, Heinrich from New Mexico, Sanders from Vermont, and Udall from New Mexico)

  5. Aurochs says:

    I called Coons and left a message saying that charter schools and voucher programs have never appreciably improved educational outcomes anywhere they’ve been tried, and DeVos’s single-minded adherence to the charter school dogma is therefore disqualifying.

    My wife called Coons and left a message saying that the public school system has dramatically improved her autistic son’s lot in life in ways that charter/private schools with no mandate to educate him could ever achieve. DeVos’s lack of understanding of (or not giving a shit about) the role of public education in helping disabled children is disqualifying.

    Neither of us called Carper. Coons seems to have at least an inkling of how fucked up all this is, and we wanted to reinforce that. I’m not sure if our efforts would be better spent on Carper’s phone lines. At the very least we might get it through his skull that people are paying attention now and the same old shit won’t fly anymore.

  6. puck says:

    Paula, if you want to support abortion rights, call Carney and ask him to help Stephanie Hansen’s campaign in SD10. If Repubs win the Senate all bets are off for abortion rights in Delaware, among other issues. I don’t know if Carney is helping Hansen behind the scenes or not, but as the top state Democrat he should definitely be more visible for this special election, and soon. Carney’s lack of visibility only reinforces my suspicion that he would rather have a Republican Senate.