Tip: KWS denied job in Carney Administration, May Run Again in 2020.

Filed in National by on December 28, 2016

From our Tip Line:

No insurance industry publications, nor the WNJ, have so far acknowledged the election of new DE insurance commissioner Trinidad Navarro, who will replace failed incompetent Karen Weldin Stewart. However, she is working hard to stay relevant, including asking John Carney for a job which he of course refused. She was interviewed at the recent national meeting of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) in Miami Beach, obviously arranged and bought-and-paid for by one of her cronies, by a representative of international insurance rating agency A.M. Best. […] After the interview, A.M. Best published a big article with a photo of her in which she spouts off about what she sees as the future of Delaware insurance matters and how she would do things. She added she may run again in 2020 [when she will be 74 years old] or become IC in another state, or just hold off on deciding, i.e. “taking a cue from Joe Biden”. Her hubris is breathtaking. No questions about Trini Navarro by the interviewer, nor an acknowledgment from her. This sycophantic crap was inappropriate and unprofessional on the part of A.M. Best, to put it mildly. Looks like you’ll have to deal with this arrogant moron for at least the next four years because she ain’t going away.

I am pretty sure the Wilmington News Journal has acknowledged the election the election of Trinidad Navarro when they reported the election results, both on September 13 and November 8. So I am not sure what that reference is about. As for Insurance Industry publications or the A.M. Best interview, I would have no idea.

But yes, Karen Weldin Stewart should retire from attempts at seeking office. I am sure she will be present at Democratic Party functions and events because she always is. This Baby Boom generation of politicians, whether national or local, sure are clinging to power, aren’t they?

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Well….. Our parents , the W.W. II generation taught us well. Dare say we Boomers will hang on to power just like the generation before us. And as we say down state “that don’t make it right”.

  2. E. Gregious says:

    Reporting election results was the ONLY thing the WNJ did after Trini beat kws by over 6000 votes. Strictly routine and stark contrast to their constant gushing about kws that was fed by her incessant press releases. kws turned the DOI into her own personal vanity/propaganda machine. Good riddance.

  3. anonymous says:

    “stark contrast to their constant gushing about kws that was fed by her incessant press releases.”

    You really don’t get it. Press releases now constitute all the reporting MSM is willing to do on most stories. Please, for the love of God, get a clue. Your constant whining about KWS without lifting a finger to expose her is a long-running act I hope is over.

  4. E. Gregious says:

    Spare me the sanctimony. You know damn well why no facts about her ever saw the light of day. But you’re right that the too-long-running KWS act is over. Finally.

  5. anonymous says:

    “You know damn well why no facts about her ever saw the light of day.”

    No, I don’t. You could have released whatever you claim you did to this site rather than TNJ. Indeed, now you can do so without having to worry about retaliation.

    So again, I call bullshit.

  6. Steve Newton says:

    Gotta go with Anonymous on this one–bullshit.

    I published stuff on KWS and health insurance for years–fully researched, published here, appeared in op-eds in the WNJ, published in my own blog (when people were actually reading it), took it to legislators. I can point you to dozens of links about what I published about her boondoggles in office.

    I can find comments throughout the years by Mitch Crane agreeing with me.

    I can’t find jack that you posted anywhere.

  7. Mitch Crane says:

    I agree with Steve Newton about what was published “throughout the years”. That was not the case in 2016. The WNJ maintained what appeared to be a complete blackout about the race, both in the Primary and the General.

  8. anonymous says:

    “The WNJ maintained what appeared to be a complete blackout about the race, both in the Primary and the General.”

    That’s what happens when a supposedly top-100 newspaper has no full-time editorial page editor and only a couple of dozen reporters/writers. I don’t think there’s anyone in the building with enough expertise to cover that office.

  9. Steve Newton says:

    Anonymous has a great point (one that I have learned over and over in my day job)–don’t move into assuming malfeasance when good old incompetence will do. Occam’s razor.

  10. Mitch Crane says:

    I agree with Anonymous and Steve Newton. I have no information to lead to any conclusions as to why the blackout. I do blame the staff attrition for much of it, as the simplest explanation.

    Lack of expertise could certainly be the problem, however it takes little expertise on the part of a reporter to find the defeat of a two-term statewide incumbent in a Primary newsworthy, not the mentioning of it in one sentence within an article on the Primary for Lt Governor.

  11. chris says:

    There is minimal political reporting on anything in the Journal anymore. They fired all the decent reporters. Its not a blackout, its no one competent to write anything. The FRONT PAGE of the main paper is a tiger being moved from the Brandywine zoo!!! Years ago, that was on the front of the lifestyle section.

  12. Another Mike says:

    Chris is partially correct. Gannett (or whatever they call themselves now) has gone through round after round after round of layoffs in Wilmington and throughout the chain. The News Journal does have competent writers, just not enough of them. Among the problems, as John Oliver explored on Last Week Tonight, is that in order to make money, news organizations need clicks to replace subscriptions to physical papers. What do people want to see on their computers? Animals, babies, America’s Home Videos stuff. The reporters are instructed not only to write a story, but to be a multimedia machine. Text is no longer enough.

    The other problem is that everyone has become accustomed to getting their news for free. What do you expect to happen when, instead of paying $9.99 a month for access, you delete your cookies so the free count starts over again?

  13. BornBandCreature says:

    KWS– terrible insurance commissioner but is she really 70?

    TNJ- in a death spiral.

  14. Anonymouse says:

    KWS is 68 years old. DOB 9/11/48.

  15. mouse says:

    Wow, I thought she was young like me