If the Dukes of Hazzard were black…

Filed in National by on September 21, 2016

Opening on a town square in the south (or anywhere in America for that matter). Bo and Luke are resting against their car, parked in front of a courthouse.

Bo: Look it is the Sheriff, let’s get out of here.
Luke: (Leaning against their car “The Nat Turner”) Why? We are just waiting for Daisy to finish her shift at the Post Office.
Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane:(enters) What are you boys doing here?
Bo: Nothing.
Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane: Put your hands where I can see them.
[As Luke removes his hands from his pockets, the Sheriff shoots him three times. Bo turns to run and is shot twice in the back. The Sheriff hostelers his gun and speaks into a radio handset.]
Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane: Shots fired. There were some guys who fit the description of the APB from last week. One of them was going for a gun.

End of Scene and end of the show until next week when two other African Americans are cast as Bo and Luke and are murdered by the Sheriff who felt threatened.

h/t Donvit.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. kavips says:

    Let’s elect Trump and we can gather up all blacks, Mexicans, and Muslims and eradicate them forever… I’m sure there’s a salt mine in Nevada big enough to hold the bodies….

  2. kavips says:

    This made me think. I don’t know if you watched that show, but when the cops always came around, though they suspected, they were very careful of protecting the innocence of those under questioning.. Of course, it’s a fictional television show, but if you ever watch all the 70’s cop shows, you see in all of them that democracy had some pretty great protectors back then… (Renegade cops were all in the movies) I’ll take a stab and say it was the supreme court that made things worse. Letting American police act like East German police which is really giving them power to assume you are guilty and find anything they can to stick you. The 5th amendment got tossed right out of the window. But of course that is to be expected.. We have very few alive today who remember what those nations we liberated in ’45 looked like as we marched into them after being under totalitarian rule. I think they fought a lot harder for their rights back then than do us pions today..

  3. puck says:

    Meanwhile in real life, a guy fights cops and is still alive:


    Oh, I forgot to mention the guy was white.

  4. jason330 says:

    I read that last night and had the same thought.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    reassuringly, the comments are full of people making exactly that point. Progress!

  6. the other anonymous says:

    @ All of the above. I read the same article, I saw a different spin.
    Hat’s off to the Middletown Police for using restraint. They did what they were trained to do!
    @ Jason330 Maybe your article should have been about, how the Middletown Police, did a great job. There are exceptional police officers, who are “protecting and serving” the citizens of Delaware. Maybe, you should attend one of the National Nights Out and see how a large number of Police departments, throughout the state, are going out and making strides, to have a better relationship with the community!

  7. Dorian Gray says:

    Yeah, it’s works great in a town filled with McMansions that’s 95% white!


  8. anonymous says:

    “There are exceptional police officers, who are “protecting and serving” the citizens of Delaware.”

    Otherwise known as “doing their job.”