Lacy Lafferty will be the GOP Nominee for Governor

Filed in National by on August 16, 2016

How do I know this? Look at the Sussex County GOP Headquarters. What’s missing?


Photo courtesy of the Tip Line.

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  1. Dem19703 says:

    Integrity? Common sense? Empathy for the middle class? So many possibilities…

  2. Jason330 says:

    Dem19703 beat me to it.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    The Sorry We’re Closed sign is a choice commentary, tho.

  4. Brian says:

    |What’s missing?| A legitimate candidate’s name.

  5. Delaware Dem says:

    The answer is any sign for Colin Bonini. We are sure he is running, right?

  6. anonymous says:

    The answer depends on whether Bonini is a “legitimate candidate.” In previous years, he’d be the joke candidate.

    Using past election results in Sussex County GOP primaries is dicey at best; how many of the old coots who voted for Christine O’Donnell six years ago are still alive and still in SuxCo? And who has replaced them?

    But FWIW, Republican turnout for that primary — goosed by O’Donnell’s high visibility, no doubt — was 32%. With every looney toon in Sussex voting, she only bested Castle by 3,000 votes.

    Lafferty doesn’t have O’Donnell’s visibility, and she also lacks O’Donnell’s charisma. She’s a downstate Rose Izzo. Her appeal is mainly to dead-enders who are still backing the Sheriff of Nuttingham. Her only chance is a low-turnout primary, which she might get.

  7. Dave says:

    There are two possible answers.

    1. Bonini believes that any association with the Sussex County GOP is a death knell.
    2. The SC GOP membership is Lafferty and vice versa. They are both whack jobs. Who else would they support?

  8. Dem19703 says:

    @anonymous, Good point. Every other statewide election Bonini has either run in, or threatened to run in, he WAS the Lafferty of that race. Now he is somehow the standard-bearer for the “moderate” right. That is hysterical.

  9. anonymous says:

    @Dave: Don’t forget “all of the above.”

    @703: That’s how far to the right a party can go when they toss out all the moderates. Ask Eric Cantor.

  10. chris says:

    Bonini needs Sussex votes….its growing population down there…hes in TROUBLE …. funny how someone got to the right of Colin in this state!!

  11. SussexAnon says:

    Fun fact: When the blinds are open, there is a life size cutout of Donald Trump in the window.

  12. loritool5000 says:

    Why even run ?

  13. SussexWatcher says:

    I think Lafferty will get at least 40 percent, probably more, and possibly win. New Castle County Republicans have no motivation to turn out in great numbers, ceding the primary to Sussex and Kent.

  14. mediawatch says:

    The only New Castle County Republicans with a motivation to vote have already switched parties to vote for Purzycki.

  15. anonymous says:

    @SW: What’s the motivation for downstate Republicans? Are there local races down there that will drive turnout?

    @MW: About 1,100 people switched to vote for Purzycki.

  16. Jason330 says:

    “Fun fact: When the blinds are open, there is a life size cutout of Donald Trump in the window.”


    Must. Have. Picture.