Sucks to be Bonini

Filed in National by on August 15, 2016

Poor chap. Not only did Copeland sucker him into being on the drubbed side of an electoral drubbing, now he has Lyme Disease. In all honesty, he should drop out. What does he owe the DEGOP? Why should he put his health on the line to spare Copeland the embarrassment of sitting with Laser Lafferty on Return Day? He shouldn’t.

Just what Colin Bonini needed in his campaign for governor. Another obstacle.

It was not enough that Delaware has not elected a Republican governor since the 1980s? Not enough that Bonini is up against John Carney, who has already been elected statewide five times as the Democratic congressman and lieutenant governor? Not enough that Bonini still has to go through a Republican primary against a Tea Party-type candidate?

On top of all that, Bonini has come down with a case of Lyme disease.

It had Bonini feeling so bad, it was like an unrelenting physical reminder that Carney had a 57 percent approval rating while only 29 percent of the Republicans, Bonini’s own party, were committed to him in a recent PublicMind Poll, which is administered by Fairleigh Dickinson University.

Bonini’s health is improving, now that he is being treated with what he described as “super-duper” antibiotics, and his doctor has him thinking he will be fine.

“I’ve been feeling terrible for weeks and weeks, flu symptoms and tremendous joint pain. I felt like it was like the first day of football practice, like every day,” Bonini said.

Deer tick

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. chris says:

    Look on the bright side. Colin Bonini will probably get more votes than Jeff Cragg did running for Governor years back, lyme disease or healthy. That vote total was a real OUCH!

  2. mouse says:

    How much worse could he be than corporate Gov elect Carney

  3. Jason330 says:

    So much worse.

  4. Mitch Crane says:

    Think of the innocent mosquito. How will it fly with only its right wing being nourished?

  5. mouse says:

    I see, never mind

  6. mouse says:


  7. anonymous says:

    Mosquito? Wrong disease.

  8. Mitch Crane says:

    Deer Tick, You are correct