Why I Don’t Think Trump Will Be the R Nominee for President.

Filed in Featured, National by on June 4, 2016

Now, hear me out.  I’m thinking out loud here, but I don’t think that Trump will accept the nomination for president.  Why? Because I think he’ll drop out before the convention.

I understand that one should never overreact to a given day’s or week’s political events, but, in the last three days, the fall race crystallized, at least for me.  Hillary Clinton, and a vast array of surrogates, including Barack and Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Bill Clinton, will successfully eviscerate Donald Trump through Trump’s own words.  Trump, who styles himself as a ‘counterpuncher’, has been reduced to hurling insults into a microphone w/o being able to effectively deny that he never said what he indeed said.

What trait has Trump time and time again said he hates most? The term he uses is ‘loser’.  McCain’s a loser b/c he was captured, Romney’s a loser and a choker.  The mantra is always the same. Trump’s a winner and his enemies are losers.

Now, unless I’m dead wrong, the upcoming polls are going to reflect just how disastrous this last week has been on Trump.  The R’s, already resigned to a bad year, are now looking at an absolute disaster.  An unhinged narcissist screaming insults at the voters while not even bothering to defend the things he said.

If Trump somehow understands that he is likely an inevitable loser of historic proportions in November, he will drop out, citing the ‘maliciously unfair’ coverage he has received as the reason.  I think you’d then be looking at a Ryan/Haley ticket, or something like it. Which would be a lot more formidable than Trump/Whoever.

It would be ironic if Hillary’s speech turned out to be too successful.  But that’s what I think is gonna happen.

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  1. Unstable Isotope says:

    No matter what happens it’s a shitshow for sure. I think Ted Cruz is probably already calling people and reviving the idea of a contested convention, even if Trump doesn’t drop. I agree El Som there is a >0% chance that Trump drops out. Dems haven’t even unloaded 10% of the oppo they have on him yet.

  2. anonymous says:

    I don’t think he’ll drop out, because right now his candidacy is the only thing keeping him out of the docket and then prison.

    The fact that Texas and Florida dropped their investigations into Trump U after big donations to those states’ attorneys general underscores his situation.

    Note to the Tom Kline bot: Your candidate, not ours, is the one going to jail.

  3. That bribe story is amazing. Texas is now threatening the whistleblower who has released the inside skinny to the press:


  4. Dave says:

    “there is a >0% chance that Trump drops out”

    but I, “I don’t think he’ll drop out, because” I don’t he could handle the fall. After all his bluster and macho bravado, how could he let a woman and other losers take him down? I mean, caving to a woman?

    As a said some time ago, I don’t think he intended to get this far. Now that he has, he is kind of caught between a rock and hard place. And how does he drop out without looking like a loser?

  5. anonymous says:

    I agree, Dave. I think the exit strategy is to blame his loss on the media, so he can claim he didn’t really lose, the election was stolen from him.

    The GOP is now between a much bigger rock and a much harder place than Trump is.

  6. Dana Garrett says:

    I’d love for you to be correct. I’m so tired of hearing about him and watching the news media salivate at his every idiocy. But I suspect his narcissism got significant reinforcement from gaining the status of presumptive nominee and it will delude him into thinking that winning the general election is an inevitability. He’s that delusional.

  7. Delaware Dem says:

    Wouldn’t it be amazing if, after all the talk of indictment of Hillary from Republicans, it is Trump that is indicted for bribery. LOL. I think that is only thing that prevents him from being the nominee.

  8. Steve Newton says:

    My first reaction, DD, was admittedly, “Not possible.” Then I remembered Ross Perot, and I thought, “Hey, there are some scenarios I can see.” Like Trump drops for awhile based on “media unfairness,” but then comes back a few weeks later, “because the people demanded it.” I think he accepts the nomination, however.

    Ironically, we are now to the point where you can float “Will Trump drop out?” and it seems to have more credibility (based on today’s headlines) than, “Will Bernie concede?”

    The old-line Libertarian in me is wondering whether it’s actual possible for Johnson-Weld to make inroads into the “never Trump” and “never Hillary” territory, at least for a percentage that get them into the debates. Unfortunately, while I have met, like, and respect Johnson and his record in New Mexico, I don’t think he is a national class debater, but with Trump on the stage all he has to do is not finish last.

  9. Jason330 says:

    Trump’s delegates are all pledged. They haven’t voted him in as the nominee yet. The gavel has not yet pounded the block. Is it possible that Trump continues to hurt himself, and Ted Cruz rallies the rag tag remnant of his true believers and stages some kind of convention coup?

    I’d pay to see that.