Breaking: Donald Trump Coming to Harrington

Filed in National by on April 20, 2016

Via WBOC- By Chris Messick

HARRINGTON, Del.- Donald Trump is not only scheduled to host a rally in Worcester County, Md. on Wednesday evening, but is also set to speak in Harrington, Del. later this week.

According to Trump’s campaign website, the GOP front runner will hold a rally at the Delaware State Fairgrounds in Harrington Friday at 3 p.m.

Trump’s campaign says the rally will be held at the Quillen Arena. Doors are scheduled to open at noon.

Tickets to Trump’s rally Friday in Harrington are currently available on the Republican candidate’s campaign website here.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (48)

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  1. anonforonecom says:

    Finally, a “rally” in Harrington where people can relax and take their sheets off.

  2. jason330 says:

    If anyone thinks that the DE GOP establishment is NOT going to rally around Trump…Charlie Copeland, Dave Burris and Ken Simpler will put a dagger in the heart of that notion later this week.

  3. andrew says:

    Long-time lurker and first-time poster here. I plan, if I can, to stand outside the Quillen Arena (and possibly also the event in Worcester tonight) with a very non-inflammatory sign objecting to Trump’s promise to deport all illegal immigrants. I suspect that this promise was an empty one that he never had any intention of fulfilling, but regardless I believe it is important to take a stand for compassion.

    My plan is to approach a police officer working the event to let him/her know I will be standing with my sign, and then to simply stand there and make a statement rather than shouting, chanting, or engaging with Trump supporters. If one attempts to engage with me, I will try to end the discussion as soon as possible rather than debate. My thought is to have two signs: one that reads “I STAND FOR COMPASSION” with “IMMIGRANTS, MUSLIMS, REFUGEES” or possibly “I STAND WITH LAW-ABIDING IMMIGRANTS” written in smaller font underneath, and then one that reads “HATE WILL NOT MAKE AMERICA GREAT”. As I hope you can tell, I do not plan on being disruptive in any way – I just want to stand up for what I know is right.

    Will anyone stand with me? I believe that our objection to Trump’s hateful rhetoric means nothing if we do not act on it. I know that standing there with a sign has very little effect, but I believe it is important to make a stand for what I believe in. Will anyone join me?

  4. Jason330 says:

    andrew thanks for lurking, commenting and your direct action. Your protest seems spot on to me. When the details of the Harrington event are announced I’ll know if I can join you.

  5. andrew says:

    Thanks Jason. Update: Not sure whether I’ll need it, but I got a ticket for both rallies from Donald’s website in case it makes it a little easier for me to get into the parking lot. I also got a spare ticket for each (maximum is 2 per person) in case someone wants to join me. I also found out the doors to the Worcester event open at 4pm and the Harrington event at 12pm, which I guess is around the time I’ll try to arrive. I’ll see how it goes, but I plan to leave shortly after the event starts.

    More than a little nervous I must admit – I have not done something like this before and normally try to fly under the radar, but (I’m white but live in Sussex and know many decent, law-abiding, tax-paying illegal immigrants) the deportation comments in particular are something I feel compelled to stand against. So, please let me know if you are willing to join me in support of this or some other issue.

  6. puck says:

    “If anyone thinks that the DE GOP establishment is NOT going to rally around Trump…Charlie Copeland, Dave Burris and Ken Simpler will put a dagger in the heart of that notion later this week.”

    I think they will all be waiting for Kasich to drop out. And if Kasich never formally drops out, they may be spared having to endorse Trump before the convention. Come to think of it, Kasich may be staying in just to provide that sort of cover.

  7. mediawatch says:

    Decent number of Kasich signs in my Lavelleland neighborhood (once Copeland’s district). Nothing for Trump or Cruz. Don’t think Charlie et al. will rush to endorse the Donald until they get orders from RaNCe PRieBuS.

  8. Ben says:

    Stay safe, Andrew. Those people are thirsty for blood… as they prove over and over again. And not to impune the, probably fine, local constabulary, but police at those events have seemed to side with the Trumpeters. (also, as a trombone player, i love that Trumpeter is the slang)

  9. Honoré de Balzac says:

    I will join you with my “Deport Melania” sign.

  10. Mikem2784 says:

    I think Cruz may bypass Delaware…Kasich should be stronger upstate and downstate will embrace Trump, especially now that he’s willing to pay them some attention. Maybe O’Donnell will introduce him? After all, she’s NOT a witch.

    Bravo for standing up and protesting. I’d join if my work schedule (and wife) allowed.

  11. aaanonymous says:

    A protest under the DelLib banner would seem like a good opportunity to unite the civil-warring-factions.

  12. Ben says:

    Everyone gets together to fight Darkseid! love it. (i know, prop joe, he’s DC… that intentional mistake was for you 😉

  13. SussexAnon says:

    Trump is speaking in Berlin on Hitler’s birthday.

    Just sayin’

  14. voice of reason says:

    You liberals just don’t get it…….and you never will! Your philosophy is done! Go Trump!

  15. anonymous says:

    ben: you play trombone? cool.

  16. mouse says:

    Lol, ironically Trump is only “conservative” pandering to angry racist white folks. His historical record demostrates liberal, nah ha

  17. mouse says:

    You people are all about your talk radio dogmatic ideology until the narrative changes. You people stand for nothing but lower class white misplaced resentment

  18. bamboozer says:

    And I say let Delaware be the First State yet again and allow guns at the Trump rally! The secret service can go sit out front in their limos and black helicopters.

  19. AQC says:

    Oh, I wish I could be there. Go Andrew and all reasonable protestors!

  20. andrew says:

    Here’s a hastily written update – sorry I’m on a 15 minute break from work and don’t have much time and I’m on mobile so it’ difficult to edit.

    I did indeed protest the Worcester rally last night and was happy to find that I was in good company. I’m bad at estimating numbers of people, but at its peak there was maybe around 100 protestors, many not but certainly not all students of the high school where the event was held.

    As you may have seen on the news, the conflict between the protestors and the supporters that could not get into the auditorium was very heated – both sides chanted and screamed and there was ugliness on both sides, but the Trump supporters were definitely the ugliest. I dont think I will ever forget their chants of “Build the Wall” and “Illegals Go Home” and most of all an older lady screaming at the top of her lungs at the protestors while her maybe 6 year old granddaughter stood at her side and looked up at her. Probably 20 different supporters tried to engage with me and my signs urging compassion for illegal immigrants, but I simply stared at them until they walked away. One lady even screamed at me “Jesus doesnt love you”. LOL. So, it was really very heated, much more so than it appeared on the local news, and though the cops (some in riot gear) seemed to do a good job of keeping the peace, at times I wished there were more of them.

    However, despite all that the experience was very positive. Though I did not join the chanting and just stood there holding my sign and making my statement, the comradery and positivity among the protestors kept my spirits up. Kudos to the guy from SURJDelmarva, which tries to raise racial awareness among white people, for providing free water and granola bars, picking up trash at the end, and seeking to maintain peace among both sides. I was photographed probably 50 times, sometimes by people who looked like press, and I was filmed by both WBOC and WMDT. But the real kicker was that I was interviewed by CNN and had a chance to share my opposition to deportation nationally. I was very happy to have the chance to stand up for my issue and to make a difference on a much wider scale than I had anticipated. Two different Hispanics came up to me to thank me for the support, which warmed my heart.

    I am once again asking you all to join me in my protest of the Harrington rally. I am sure there will be fewer protestors there than last nights rally, since it will not be held at a school and since it will be held in the afternoon instead of the evening, and I am sure the atmosphere will be markedly less heated, but based on the good turnout last night I suspect we would be joined by other protestors. Regardless, I intend to make my stand quietly and peacefully just like last night and hopefully will get some more news coverage. I understand that you may be hesitant to stick your neck out – as an antisocial person who normally tries to fly under the radar, trust me when I say that I was shaking with nervousness for most of the night – but I believe it is vital that we stand up in opposition to hate and fear. So, please let me know if you are willing to join me in support of illegal immigrants or some other issue. Last night strengthened my belief that we are engaged in an absolute war with the hateful and that we must stand up for what we think is right.

  21. KJHanover says:

    Okay all you “compassionate” people who want illegal immigrants and anybody who feels like it to cross our borders.

    How many are you willing to take into your home? Do you leave the doors in your home open all the time so anyone who wants to can come in? No? but why not? Too dangerous? Yet you want our country to do just that.

    It is not hate and fear that Trump espouses. It is the protection of this country and its citizens. If I don’t want my head sawed off, that doesn’t make me a bigot. But you’ll never get it.
    TRUMP 2016!

  22. Ben says:

    KJHanover.. I cant speak for others here…..but I would gladly pay more in taxes so folks like you can get a better education and learn a bit more about writing and communication. so sad.

  23. andrew says:

    KJHanover: Personally, I am in favor of tightening border security, though I think a wall may be too expensve and probably unnecessary given other effective options. Although I am a bleeding heart liberal, I am not a stupid one – I realize that for security and economic reasons we cannot allow anyone into our country. And if an immigrant commits a violent crime, then by all means deport them. That’s why my sign reads “I stand with immigrant families” and underneath that “Secure the border then let them stay.”

    What I object to is Trump’s promise to deport all 11 million of them. I personally know many illegal immigrants, and the majority are basically decent, hardworking people who go to work every morning to put food on the table just like you and me. They came here for one reason only – to provide a life for their families without the threat of starvation and gang violence that is inescapable in their home countries. Have you ever gone without food for a week? Have you ever slept in a corn field at night because you had no place to stay? Have you ever been forced at knife point to pay a gang for “protection”? I personally know a middle aged immigrant woman who experienced all this in El Salvador. I stood outside the rally because I do not believe we should return those who have established a life here over sometimes decades to return to those conditions.

    To separate them from the families they have established here and send them back to their home countries where many would have no home, no job, and no family and would die on the street is undeniably cruel. It is against the American value of compassion and would rank among America’s biggest historical blunders, right up there with racial discrimination and the internment of Japanese Americans during WW2.

    As for this being about protection rather than hate and fear – you cannot tell me that Trump and the majority of his supporters would favor deportation if these immigrants looked like us, if they were white and speak English. If you tell me that, you are either lying or in self denial. There is definitely a racial element at work here.

    I understand the need for border security and do not see this issue in the simple terms that you suggest I do. But I refuse to ignore the fact that human beings are all fundamentally the same and that these immigrants are deserving of the same love and compassion I extend to my fellow white people.

    And that’s why I stood outside the rally last night and will do so again tomorrow. As a gay man, I know how it feels to be marginalized and discriminated against, but at least I can blend in with the rest of society. These people cannot – they live in fear every day, even of a fender bender that would result in an ID check. That’s why I feel compelled to speak up for people who can’t speak up for themselves. That’s why I will stand up tomorrow in defense of compassion. Perhaps, KJ, if you actually got to know an illegal immigrant, you would not support sending them back to fear and starvation – back to hell on earth.

  24. puck says:

    Border security starts in the workplace.

  25. andrew says:

    KJ, these people are just that – people. They are not a statistic or a mass, monolithic group. They are people with likes and dislikes, hopes and fears. Some are bad but most are good, just like any other group. I live in Sussex and know many of them – some I like and some I dont like, just like any other group. I tell you they are no different than you and me – all they want is to build a life for themselves and their families. I have no doubt that I would attempt the crossing if I were born into the poverty and starvation they face, and so would you. The only reason you dont face that is a simple quirk of fate, a simple flip of the coin.

    Secure the border but then have the modicum of compassion and basic human decency necessary to let them stay. Take an immigrant and then see past his language, past the color of his skin to the actual human being inside. And if you still cannot find it in your heart to let them stay after that, then I have nothing more to say to you.

  26. Clarky says:

    Andrew….very well said! Some people just don’t get it or ever want to get it!!

  27. puck says:

    Agreed. Trump is insane; nobody should be forcibly deported, and racism should not be tolerated. Once the workplaces are closed to illegal workers, we should compassionately let them decide where they want to live. Their living expenses in America could be paid through a GoFundMe account for everybody who comprehensively supports letting them stay.
    With generous Federal support for families and others on a case-by-case basis.

    I’m all for increasing legal immigration on a floating annual limit based on labor statistics and wages. All immigration above the bare minimum should be subject to annual certification by Congress that the US is under full employment, and that low wages are not driving working Americans into the safety net.

  28. puck says:

    All immigration above the bare minimum should be subject to annual certification by Congress that the US is under full employment has a genuine labor shortage

  29. andrew says:

    Close the workplaces? These people mostly make minimum wage and have no savings. How are they going to eat? To pay the rent? This is the real world and these are real people.

    For that matter, how are farms/factories/restaurants going to stay in operation? Many of those places are staffed almost exclusively by illegals. There are not enough unemployed Americans willing to do line or farm work to fill that gap. Sounds like a recipe for not only cruelty but also economic disaster.

    And a GoFundMe account that would support the maybe 6 million immigrants who decide to stay? What? How much money do you think each immigrant needs to survive? $100 a week wouldnt cut it, but even using that number – $600,000,000 a week funded through a GoFundMe account? Why not just make Mexico pay for their support – both ideas are about as realistic. Or be extra generous and say 3 million stay – $300,000,000 a week? Yeah.

  30. puck says:

    “How are they going to eat? To pay the rent? ”

    Not with wages from a displaced American, that’s for sure. They should have thought of that before they came to America. But to be fair, we sort of lured them here with the de facto promise of work, so maybe some grandfathering could be arranged based on squatters rights. And there’s always the GoFundMe account for those who support displacing Americans with foreign immigrants.

    “Many of those places are staffed almost exclusively by illegals. ”

    You are beginning to see the problem. You’re almost there.

    “There are not enough unemployed Americans willing to do line or farm work to fill that gap. ”

    Not at those wages or working conditions. Both will have to be raised to levels that are legal and competitive on a market basis.

    “$600,000,000 a week funded through a GoFundMe account? ”

    Hmmm… you are right. Once you put a dollar amout on it, maybe there is not as much support for their residence in America as you thought.

    “who decide to stay?”

    The illegal immigrant decides, based on available resources. That’s the beauty of my plan.

  31. andrew says:

    Puck, you very conveniently did not answer my question – how are these people supposed to feed their children? Either answer that question or your response to this is, in my opinion, not credible.

    I’ll give you that immigrants have probably hurt the wages of the average American citizen, but (believe it or not) I am a pragmatist who believes in playing the hand we were dealt. These immigrants are already here and they are already working and building lives for themselves. I agree that illegal immigrants are an economic problem, but rather than try to sort of retroactively prevent the problem from having occured, I believe in working to solve it without creating a far larger problem.

    So “maybe some grandfathering could be arranged”? Your ideas are obviously not at all thought through. You sound like the type of person who puts ideas over people, and it’s difficult for me to respect that. I’ll ask you the same question I asked KJ – do you actually, personally know an illegal immigrant? If so, think about that person. Do you honestly support shutting them out of their job then watching them get evicted and starve? Because that would happen, maybe not to all but definitely to many, under “the beauty of your plan”. This is the real world and, citizens or not, these are actual human beings who need our compassion.

    It’s more of my style to make my statement then walk away rather to engage in increasingly obscure and pedantic reponses when neither of us is going to convince the other, so I’ll let you have the last word here.

  32. puck says:

    Dang it – my policy reviewer just left for the day. If I knew I would be needing andrew’s respect, I would have put more effort into it.

    I see you are not willing to contribute toward the $600,000,000 a week needed to maintain illegal immigrants in America. But you are willing to let $600,000,000 a week be taken out of the hide of American workers who used to have those jobs, and better pay, with the resulting broken families, broken marriages, lost homes, lost educational plans, and lost dreams, and political degradation of the American working class. Where is your compassion for those American families?

  33. Ben says:

    I’ve never actually met anyone who was denied a job in favor of an illegal immigrant.

  34. puck says:

    Yes you have, whether you know it or not.

  35. BW says:

    Can’t any of you people ever realize that sometimes tough choices have to be made in order to preserve the greater good? Just because something sounds all warm and fuzzy, doesn’t mean it’s achievable or even worse, sustainable. People don’t get laid off because of “hate”. People don’t get cut from football teams because of “hate”. Contractors don’t fall out of business relationships because of “hate”. The whole hate thing is just an embellishment YOU create so it makes it easy for you to HATE Trump and his ideas. The illegals gotta go because it’s just bad business. Plain and simple. ITS UNSUSTAINABLE… PERIOD!

  36. LeBay says:


    Please explain the “tough choices” Trump would make? His modus operandi (look it up on the googles) seems to be filing for bankruptcy and/or filing a lawsuit whenever things don’t go his way. How is this guy going to make *anything* great? Is he going to sue Congress for not doing his bidding?

  37. Liberal Elite says:

    @BW “The illegals gotta go because it’s just bad business. Plain and simple. ITS UNSUSTAINABLE… PERIOD!”

    Hey BW. Don’t you know that it’s the illegals that are sustaining everything?

    If it was bad for business, why are business trying so hard to be able to hire illegals? Why did GWBush put up a big sign at the border that said “WELCOME ILLEGALS”. Oh… you couldn’t see that sign? They sure did…

    Anyone who knows anything, knows that the illegals are a huge positive for our economy. When you exploit someone for an economic benefit… guess what? You get an economic benefit.

  38. puck says:

    “Anyone who knows anything, knows that the illegals are a huge positive for our economy. When you exploit someone for an economic benefit… guess what? You get an economic benefit.”

    Positive for whom? Benefit for the 1% of course, and benefit for and the shrinking number of Americans who still have good jobs. Harm to everyone else.

  39. ben says:

    let’s pretend I dont know the answer to this question… which jobs are they taking?

  40. jason330 says:

    “The illegals gotta go because it’s just bad business. Plain and simple. ITS UNSUSTAINABLE… PERIOD!”

    Whenever you engage with a Republican it is important to recall that they live in a post-factual America. If there is a real effort to “stop Trump”, which I doubt, the real muscle behind it isn’t evangelicals who think he is a squish on abortion – but the 1%er captains of industry who think Trump might upset the status quo with regard to illegal immigration.

  41. mouse says:

    Post factual America, lol

  42. Brian says:

    andrew, thank you for coming out of the lurking shadows. Keep doing what you’re doing, and don’t take the snark from some of the commenters here to heart.

    “The whole hate thing is just an embellishment YOU create so it makes it easy for you to HATE Trump and his ideas.” you do realize, BW, that Trump didn’t invent any of these ideas, right? Trump is merely the latest torchbearer of the anti-immigrant ‘they terk er jerbs’ olympics. I don’t hate Trump. I have issues with his choice of orange tint.

    Let’s do a thought exercise since some Trumpeters are here. Since the premise of deporting illegal immigrants is to bolster American labor and economy; what effects fiscal and otherwise; do we anticipate from the draconian policies that we will need in order to 1. identify all illegal immigrants 2. Find all illegal immigrants. 3. Detain all illegal immigrants. 4. Deport all illegal immigrants. 5. Litigate wrongful arrest; detainment/deportation cases that will undoubtedly occur. 6. Fill all the newly-vacated jobs with “real” Americans making American wages. 7. Repeating steps 1-6 ad infinitum?

    Employers hire illegal workers to save costs; salary, benefits, taxes, etc. Someone go on and tell me we’ll have a budget neutral, 1:1 swap out of illegal workers with American citizens and our economy will have no where to go but up. I need a good chuckle this morning.

  43. mouse says:

    “Border security starts in the workplace.” And that makes it clear that these angry white bigots obsessed with illegals don’t really care about addressing the root cause of illegals being here, i.e., to work for people who want cheap labor. H1 Visas are a bigger threat to the middle class than illegals but it’s easier for the angry rubes to just hate the “Mexicans”

  44. puck says:

    “H1 Visas are a bigger threat to the middle class than illegals but it’s easier for the angry rubes to just hate the “Mexicans”

    Who said anything about hating Mexicans?

  45. pandora says:

    Great comment, Brian. Policy discussion is always difficult, but necessary if we actually want to accomplish something. Thanks!

  46. puck says:

    “which jobs are they taking?”

    Unbiased sources for undocumented workers are hard to come by because they are, umm, undocumented. But there’s this from Pew: (click for details):

    “…a solid majority [of the illegal workforce] still works in low-skilled service, construction and production occupations, according to new Pew Research Center estimates.”

    These jobs used to be staples for American low-skilled workers. These jobs were the entry to the labor force, or the jobs of last resort for our rural and inner-city population. Now those Americans are on food stamps and Medicaid, with declining prospects. And now they are told they have to go to college, which will somehow create more jobs.

    It’s not just the low-end jobs. A slack labor market at the very bottom affects hourly wages further up the scale too. There are lots of economists with high-paying tenured jobs who will insist that illegal labor is good for “the economy.” Yet they are all scratching their heads and tugging their beards over the causes of declining social mobility, declining real wages, lack of jobs for high school grads. and the death of the American dream.

  47. Anita Redden says:

    I am seeing comments that are all about immigration. I know this is a sensitive issue but what about how he has not talked about how he is going to keep the USA safe from terrorists. His bullying of anyone that doesn’t agree with him. He clearly has a problem with women even though he had to recount his statement the next day. Uve watch him very closely, and he has done more degradeinf people than talking about the real issues. Any important question hea asked, he doesn’t know how to answer and he says he’ll have someone who will handle that for him. Honestly he scares me to death. In my opinion the people that support him are racists who are against women, police officers, and the people who think that if he is elected president, he will make huge changes for the working person. He will do the same thing hws done on his reality show, if you dont own up to his standards, You’ll Be Fired. Just heed my words. He thinks money will solve everything. He’s up for a rude awakening.

  48. Dave says:

    In Northern Virginia, one Sunday in 2005 I was sitting on my deck watching workers putting a roof on a row of townhouses in my development. They were all Hispanic. They worked all day.

    I pondered that for a moment and arrived at the conclusion that American workers would not be working on a Sunday (unless it were time and half or double time) and that the Hispanic workers were willing to work for far less money under almost any conditions.

    They are very hard workers. The problem is, companies take advantage of that by paying them less and hiring them in lieu of more expensive American workers. Why are companies getting away with it? Because E-Verify is only mandatory for state agencies and contractors in Virginia. That’s better than Virginia because E-Verify is not required for any employer in Delaware. E-Verify has an accuracy of over 99% and it is free for any employer to use.