First Political Mailer of the Season – A Sanders Home Run

Filed in National by on April 14, 2016

Bernie Mailer 1

Bernie mailer 2

“Too Many are working longer and harder just to get by”

In its simplicity and clarity it is both a great introduction to Bernie for people who haven’t been glued to cable news for the past 5 months, and a great statement of the key difference between Bernie and his opponent. It states that this campaign acknowledges that the recipient has been pushed to the margins of the economy and feels (rightly) that they are being treated unfairly. But how? By whom? That question is taken up on the other side.

“Our Economy is Rigged”

It is short, sweet and impossible for Clinton to refute. Because:

a) it is true on its face. Everyone knows it intellectually and viscerally by now. The middle and working class is getting straight up fucked over. There is no point sugar coating it, and

b) Clinton is mobbed up with the very cartel that rigged it.

[I don’t know why it is sideways. Click for a right side up version.]

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. c'est la vie says:

    I received the mailer too. The parenthetical phrase after the “paid for” was kinda a turn off.

  2. Brooke says:

    I’m glad you are happy with it.

    The reaction of my kids (the younger than voting age ones) was, “Is that guy, Bernie? He’s not just getting by, isn’t he running for president?”

    And my 12 year old, the only one who might benefit from free college, asked, “How is he planning to pay for that?”
