I really need the GOP to pick a false analogy and stick with it.

Filed in National by on July 27, 2015

Somehow, critics of the President have compared him to both Neville Chamberlain, the former British Prime Minister prior to World War II who appeased Adolf Hitler at Munich with territorial concessions, which of course did nothing to appease Hitler… and Adolf Hitler, the genocidal fascist dictator who could not be appeased.

So Barack Obama is both the most incompetent president in history, and the most powerful tyrant who must be stopped.

He is weak but strong.

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  1. ben says:

    this works for them. a friend ruined my sunny, optimistic outlook on humanity over the weekend……. Think of how dumb the average person is…. now realize that half the people are dumber than they are.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    You had a sunny, optimistic outlook on humanity? LOL. I end every day hoping the comet hits.

  3. pandora says:

    Well… the GOP’s war against intelligence and education explains a lot. They revel in stupid.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Thank goodness DD is not running for President.

  5. mouse says:

    Dumb and malicious

  6. mouse says:

    How can so many not recognize and understand the dangerous implications of a republican party that hates and fears education, science and the educated. There’s thousands of years of history to reflect upon