Vote Tracker Update — How are they voting?

Filed in Delaware by on May 4, 2015

Bryan Townsend is the busiest legislator in Dover. The man’s name is so omnipresent, as a lead or additional sponsor, on legislation of significance that I have to imagine either that he is running for higher office, or that he is just the best damn legislator period. The cynic and politician in me wants the former. The good government romantic in me wants the latter. Kim Williams is a close runner up too.

So here is the updated Vote Tracker as of today, May 4, 2015. My focus on these vote trackers is to follow legislation of progressive significance, whether they be pro-progressive or anti-progressive. For example, we are following the Right to Work bill and the Estate Tax Repeal bill, not because we want them to pass, rather we want them to fail, and we are going to take note of any Democrat who votes for them so that we can work to replace them in the next election.

I have reorganized the Vote Tracker this month. It’s just one document now, and legislation with actual votes recorded is list at the top, followed by legislation that has been released by their relevant committees and are due for votes in one chamber of the General Assembly or the other. For the specific details of legislation that is being considered in committee, and also the whens, wheres, whys and wherefores, I encourage you to follow El Somnambulo’s Pre-Game Post-Game series.

There is of course more, so please check the charts. New legislation added to the chart will be highlighted by yellow. Committee action on a bill will be highlighted in blue. Any positive Chamber votes will highlighted in green. Any negative action will be highlighted in red. Remember, we are not tracking all the bills, just the bills of progressive or liberal interest, including those sponsored by Republicans, and including those that we, as progressives and liberals, want to see defeated (i.e. the Estate Tax Repeal bill). You can download the tracker in the form of a Excel spreadsheet by clicking on the menu button in the lower right corner of each box.

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