Kowalko v Schwartzkopf continues

Filed in National by on January 15, 2015

John Kowalko isn’t shutting up, and for good reason. It isn’t Pete Schwartzkopf’s business to decide if someone can be an activist and a legislator. That’s Kowalko’s constituent’s job, and Kowalko’s constituents expressly hired him to be an activist and a legislator.

Schwartzkopf may not remember, but John Kowalko sat in an Leg Hall energy committee meeting with a gag in his mouth in protest, and that was prior to being hired by his constituents. They knew what they were getting into.

Which raises the question – does Schwartzkopf know what he is getting into by elevating Kowlako’s status to that of a martyr for a transparent democracy? I sort of doubt it.

There’s some discord in the House Democratic caucus at the beginning of the 148th General Assembly.

Rep. John Kowalko (D-South Newark) wrote a letter blasting House Speaker Pete Schwartzkopf (D-Rehoboth Beach) after he was removed from the House Education Committee.

In dropping him from the Education Committee, Kowalko says Schwartzkopf told him he had “become an activist” and that “you can’t be a legislator and an activist.”

– See more at: http://www.wdde.org/71917-lawmaker-clashes-house-speaker-committee-assignments#sthash.fJvE6fNY.dpuf

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (18)

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  1. Calvin Sparks says:

    I love John Kowalko, I support him 100 percent in this fight.

  2. I love how Schwartzkopf denies the “activist” comments ten days later… Why didn’t he do that right away? I don’t blame Kowalko for being vocal about this. And why is it Schwartzkopf’s House Bill 20 is the very first bill out of Committee? It looks like he is given preferential treatment in the House.

  3. hmm says:

    Schwartzkopf is the Speaker, he can decide what committees and chairmanships his members get, sorry that’s just the game.

  4. SussexAnon says:

    Yep, he can do whatever he wants within the rules because it is allowed. Just because he can doesn’t mean he should. Especially in such a high profile way.

    Actions have consequences, even when they within the rules.

  5. hmm says:

    John has played the game plenty himself. This is John being his normal self. He’s a one man band going wherever best suits him. He’s playing it well, kudos to him for that. But for him to act like this is some big conspiracy is just silly. He knows exactly what he’s doing.

  6. SussexAnon says:

    Kowalko does indeed know what he is doing. And Pete stepped right into it and is continuing to handle it poorly.

  7. AQC says:

    They are both acting like little boys tattling on each other. Grow up and do your jobs.

  8. donviti says:

    long term, where does this put Kowalko? I mean, where can he go from here? Congressman? Really? would he get elected?

    I love that the guy is speaking out and shining light on the BS by General Swartzkoff but I just don’t understand politically the long play is for him…

  9. Jason330 says:

    That is his strength, not thinking too far down the road. He is the anti-Bethany Hall-Long who is all about how this vote, or that move is going to play out in the future.

  10. donviti says:

    You don’t get to where you are by not being some calculating. I applaud what he is doing, but if he is being labeled and activist and there aren’t people lining up to defend him, the moves on the board are limited long or short term

  11. Cynnic Acid says:

    The House Rules gave an autocratic House Speaker too much power that is subject to abuse. The House members have the power to change them if they dare.

  12. john kowalko says:

    I have no ambitions other than to serve my constituents and all of the people of Delaware as a State Representative who is committed to what’s best for them, their families and their communities. The only clear path I see to accomplish that is to embrace the public’s opinions and needs and echo their concerns and wishes and entertain all perspectives to ensure that the direction I am traveling is in their best interests. Sometimes that requires a fair accounting and dialogue regarding issues and policies conducted in the publicly accessible forums such as blogs, the newspapers and the radio shows. The public, in general, is not able to afford the necessary vocal or influential communicators that are available to the more prominently and financially accoutred and I have a responsibility to fill that vacuum. I will not be cowed or bullied into silence when their voices are being muted. I will not be silent when I see the real threat to democracy and my beloved Democratic Party in the pall cast over this legislature when punitive and unjust decisions are made that intend to intimidate and coerce a subservience to the more powerful. I would be complicit if I allowed this legislature to forfeit its authority and responsibilities out of fear of retaliation or hope of reward. Those responsibilities to provide an honest and openly transparent government that is available, accessible and viewable to all Delawareans are not mine to shirk but to embrace. In retrospect I do have ambitions, and they are to be an honest, open-minded and well informed advocate who takes very seriously the title, bestowed upon me by the electorate, of “State Representative” of all the people. I have no intention nor agenda to move up the political ladder unless the only prospective candidates offered to the people are committed to their own ambitions and not the public welfare. The people deserve the best we can offer them and certainly that should be those individuals who are willing to put the peoples interests first and foremost without any hesitation.
    John Kowalko

  13. AAuen says:

    Pete had every right to kick him off that committee… He’s the Speaker, he had the privilege to do so. Should he have? Debatable. But he certainly had the right to do so.

  14. I don’t find it a coincidence at all that 1) Priority Schools deadline was coming up, 2) Kowalko requested and released a major FOIA regarding the Delaware DOE, Delaware DOJ and the Governor’s office which does prove some recent theories floating around re: priority schools, 3) Smarter Balanced Parent Opt Out will be starting to become a big issue soon and Kowalko most likely supports that.

    Do we really think either Schwartzkopf or Markell would ever say, “we talked, let’s boot him.” Hell no! I think with these committees the entire committee should vote to have someone removed after the committee has already been in place.

  15. donviti says:

    And I don’t disagree with what you are doing in any way. I just wonder if the “activism” alleged by the person holding our state back impacts your future ability to do more for the state and people that support you.

    I’d love to have you be able to do more for the rest of the state and my district

  16. Hmm says:

    Exceptional, that’s great and well, but that’s not reality. The speaker makes up the committees that’s just the way it is. This outrage is just silly.

  17. Calvin Sparks says:

    Mr. Kowalko

    I do not live in your District, but I support you, and the folks in your district must because they elected you. Fight the good fight!