Dog Bites Man: Carney Votes to Gut Dodd-Frank.

Filed in Delaware by on January 7, 2015

If this guy wants to be our next Democratic governor, the least he could do is at least pretend to be a Democrat. The bill almost passed, thanks in part to Carney’s supposed bipartisanship.

Maybe he’ll hold a REAL town meeting where someone can ask him how a Democrat votes to screw citizens while giving carte blanche to huge financial institutions that demonstrate time and time again that they will use the lack of regulation to make obscene piles of money by winning a rigged game. A game that the Carneys of this world help rig.

Maybe a real newspaper would ask him the same question.  Too bad we no longer have one.

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  1. LeBay says:

    Eff him.

  2. puck says:

    The bill was called, and I am not making this up, “Promoting Job Creation and Reducing Small Business Burdens Act.”

  3. Jason330 says:

    Maybe Carney didn’t read beyond the title?

  4. mouse says:

    This is pissing me off big time. We need to get at this guy through editorials or some way

  5. mouse says:

    Does the maggot hold town meetings?

  6. puck says:

    Carney has to watch out voting for crackpot Republican bills, because now they might actually become law, with Carney’s name attached. Harry Reid can no longer protect turncoat House Dems from the consequences of their own perfidy.