The Best Speech I’ve Heard All Year…

Filed in National by on December 13, 2014

Elizabeth Warren, echoing, among others, Teddy Roosevelt.

I dare you to watch to this and not want her to run for President:


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  1. Truth Teller says:

    Yes it was it’s a shame that she is the only one in the senate with balls. Too bad their are none in the White House . And I thought the Teabaggers were against bail outs

  2. mouse says:

    Not a peep from the Teapublicans about the big bail out sit up. Now if this was to bail out homowners screwed by Wall St or Student loans, the teapublicans would have roared

  3. Joanne Christian says:

    El Som, I saw this a couple days ago when you first posted it I think, and wanted to respond then but no time. Never, when I returned today did I think (because I thought about this since Saturday), only 2 comments would have appeared–when I’ve been shouting “BRAVO” all weekend long, and discussing with various contemparies. SHE I can put in office, and would. Always liked her. SHE could take my vote from anything percolating in the GOP–if there is any percolating, and not posturing–and is THE REAL CLEAN BREAK and alternative from Hilary. There….said it!!!

  4. Jason330 says:

    JC – You are not going to find many excitable Hilary fans here. Shell Shocked? Yes. Resigned? Sure.

  5. mouse says:

    Warren is my vote if she runs. Hillary would be slightly better than a republican but only in style and posture. She would be owned by the moned corporate class just like most of the Democrats