Sunday Open Thread [11.23.14]

Filed in Delaware, National by on November 23, 2014

Bill Maher, at the top of his New Rules segment on his HBO show Friday night, accurately described the current political situation. Maher said: “Now that they’ve wrestled his approval rating down to the basement, and grabbed control of both houses of Congress, Republicans must explain why this guy (Obama) keeps kicking your ass. It’s like one of those action movies where you tie the hero up, chain him to a chair, then he headbutts you unconscious, gets up, and leaves a note signed Django.”

I love that President Obama is now the sole Democratic agenda setter in Washington. The bipartisanship-seeking cowards that call themselves Democrats, namely Tom Carper, can learn from Obama’s example. Let’s have more of it. If the Republicans even attempt to touch Obamacare, Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid, the President vetos and every Democrat …. every Democrat…. shuts the fuck up and supports the President. I am looking directly at you, Tom.

As a side note, does Tom Carper retire in 2018? I suspect not, but there is a backlog of Democrats piling up waiting for him to move on (Biden, Markell, Carney).

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Saturday Night Live BLOWS now. Did any one catch that unfunny and completely wrong on basic facts opening sketch? What a load of shot that thing has become.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Carper retire in 2018? We are not that lucky. As for Obama vetoing attacks on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security you can bet on it as it will be a big part of the coming two years of suicidal Republican over reach. It’s become a tradition with the Republicans, win an election then proceed to scare and alienate the voters who are not far right and extreme conservatives. Then there will be a Republican primary that will make the 2012 primary look calm and mature by comparison. It’s going to be interesting.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Go big “O”, Our Emperor!!!! I’m sure he’ll take executive order to extend his stay, next!

  4. puck says:

    The bipartisanship-seeking cowards that call themselves Democrats, namely Tom Carper, can learn from Obama’s example

    For better or worse, Obama is now the best Democrat in the party. In fact he has been ever since he walked away from that Grand Bargain or whatever he called it.

  5. John Manifold says:

    Classic Chipmunk. Now that Nelson Rockefeller has been dead for 36 years, George Will finds the coast clear for a misleading smear.

  6. mouse says:

    I heard Obama was going to issue an executive order changing all the talk radio stations into Muslim worship stations