Dems Running From Obama-Headed Where Exactly?

Filed in National by on November 2, 2014

Ok, so where exactly are you going,  Democrats running away from President Obama ?  I hope into oblivion, a suitable place for the oblivious.

Let’s review the record, all supported by facts and verified data:

l.  His policies saved us from total economic collapse.  This doesn’t measure up for you?

2. Over five years now of expansion of the previously in the ditch economy.  What did you do to dig us out of the ditch?

3. For you tax hawks,  we’ve got lower income taxes than at anytime since the 60’s for almost all of us.

4. For you spending hawks, our federal spending is increasing way below 2% per year……lowest since Eisenhower.  Way lower than Reagan or “W”‘s + 8% per year.

5. Your constituents no longer have to pay for the healthcare of 7-10 million fellow citizens who are now insured by Obamacare.  And those without Obamacare now get fairer coverage thanks to ending things like pre-existing condition penalties.

6. Sending your kids off to war?  Not so much anymore, true?

7. Job creation in the private sector?  Nearly 5 years of the longest period of job growth in our entire nation’s history.  Ten million people put back to work.

8. Unemployment down to 5.9% from double digits under Bush and Obama’s first year.  Yea, we all know, we need better jobs and pay but it sure beats layoffs in the hundreds of thousands monthly.

9. Domestic oil vs. foreign.  For the first time, we now export more than we import.

10. Your retirement funds in the stock market.   All time high.

11. Budget deficits have been reduced by 2/3 since the beginning of Obama’s first term; he inherited a $1.4 trillion budget rock around our necks.

Somehow, the Obama administration managed to do all of this with a Republican opposition vowing to ruin his Presidency……because it would appear that they do not want to be led by African American Americans.  They filibustered him more than at any time in our history; obstructed his appointments.  Lied about his proposals and policies and insulted him repeatedly.

But President Obama soldiered on and managed to produce one of our greatest Presidencies.  And he is far from through, irrespective of who wins congress in November.

So what exactly are you cowards running from?  And to where?


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  1. rustydils says:

    Who to blame for all of our problems.
    In the last 80 years the democrats have controlled the presidency and both houses of congress simultaneously for 30 years. The republicans only 6 years.

  2. rustydils says:

    Progresive populist, your are leaving out alot of info. Due to obamacare, my cost are up $1100 per month for the last 12 months, just so a bunch of free loaders can get free healthcare. And, only if you are willing to put your money where your wrong, socialist mouth is, then I will prove it to you. But you wont bet, because you dont even believe your own propaganda

  3. Liberal Elite says:

    You call the people who work for you “free loaders”???

  4. puck says:

    Republican and Democratic corporatists are hoping to make another raid on the nation’s rebuilt treasury, just like the Bush gang did after the Clinton boom. At a time of historic low taxes and record corporate profits, just watch the new Republican Congress and their Democratic fellow travelers clamor for lower taxes on corporations and the rich.

  5. Brock Landers says:

    “Who’s to blame for all of our problems?” By many measures, quality of life is far better for Americans today than 80 years ago. You are welcome.

  6. jason330 says:

    I’d love for someone in the media (or perhaps someone even closer to the clusterfuck like an elected Dem, John Carney for example) to simply acknowledge the fact that the Republicans have instituted a Parliamentary system in which executive branch derives its legitimacy the legislature (in everything but war powers).

    Let’s just be honest. We have entered a new phase of American “Democracy.” Pretending that we haven’t is just dumb.

  7. Just a voter says:

    I looked at the statistics published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics this morning and found that the most recent unemployment rate for black Americans was 10.8%, more than twice the rate for white Americans (4.9%).

    I see that Senator Coons, who is running on his record of hard work to bring jobs to Delaware, enlisted the help of New Jersey Senator Cory Brooker.

    I find it embarrassing that Senator Coons thinks that the black population of Delaware is foolish enough to believe that the endorsement of Senator Brooker (the junior Senator from New Jersey who has served for only one year and has accomplished nothing) is proof that he is working hard to bring good jobs (or any jobs) to Wilmington.

    I’m amazed that Senator Coons, with so many distinguished black politicians, such as Elijah Cummins of Maryland or Chaka Fattah of Pennsylvania in office, chose Senator Brooker in an effort to garner the black vote.

    Does anyone else find it strange that our President, who was in Pennsylvania yesterday, didn’t venture across the border to endorse Senator Coons? Especially since the Senator is in lock step with the President and a favorite of Senate majority Leader, Harry Reid!

  8. jason330 says:

    What’s your point? Vote for the Green Party candidate because it will help Wade and might wake up Coons? If so, I’d support that.

  9. stan merriman says:

    Betcha the President wasn’t invited to Delaware to campaign.

  10. Geezer says:

    There is no need to campaign for Coons, because he faces no significant opposition.

  11. Geezer says:

    “In the last 80 years the democrats have controlled the presidency and both houses of congress simultaneously for 30 years. The republicans only 6 years.”

    And yet the country has gone to shit mostly in the last 40, and the No. 1 reason was Ronald Reagan.

  12. mouse says:

    Really torn between voting green or dems

  13. Tom Kline says:

    Vote for anybody but Coons. He’s a rich bastard trying to stay in his wife’s good graces.

  14. ScarletWoman says:

    PP- many thanks for the enumeration above. I am perplexed as to why the Obama team has not made more (or apparently anything at all) of these positives. But we know—perception is all. The “running away from the President” meme is sickeningly ubiquitous.

  15. stan merriman says:

    To Rusty: It seems you are blaming President Obama for not imposing price controls on insurance companies, the only viable option other than insurance companies doing the right thing by their country and customers….which we know they won’t. Oh wait, Republicans hate government intervention, which is what price controls would be. Oh wait again; the last time we had price controls was during the Nixon administration. Wasn’t he one of your kind, a Republican? So, the smarmy health insurance companies are raising your rates? Strange behavior on their part because healthcare costs have stopped escalating and with the advent of Obamacare are growing now at the slowest rate since 1960. So, Mr. capitalist, you are getting screwed not by Obama, but by your insurance company. Put fault where it properly belongs……on the gougers in insuranceland.

  16. Terry says:

    Stan, it has nothing to do with “imposing price controls” but more to do with the rhetoric used to sell this to the American public. We don’t know yet what the new rates will be (won’t be released for 2 more weeks) but we know they are going up. This doesn’t sit well with an American public that was told by Obama that the law would “cut the cost of a typical family’s premium by up to $2,500 a year.”

  17. stan merriman says:

    Terry, this from HHS by way of a Washington Post Analysis:
    “The health officials said they have not yet analyzed the incomes of people who qualified for the subsidies. But overall, the report shows, the average monthly tax credit this year is $264. Without the federal help, the average premium chosen by people eligible for a tax credit would have been $346 per month, and the subsidy lowered the consumers’ premiums, on average, by 76 percent. The result is that four out of five people with subsidies are paying premiums of no more than $100 a month — although that does not include money they might need to spend for insurance deductibles and other out-of-pocket costs.”
    These are the people to whom the President referred in his “$2,500” promise. Looks like he lived up to it.
    I am under the impression Rusty was talking about his own employees and his share of their premiums in his group policy, not part of Obamacare. These people above are the “freeloaders” to which he refers. My spouse would be numbered among them with her premium now half of what it was with her prior individual policy with far less coverage and higer copays.

  18. Terry says:

    I can’t speak for Rusty, but speaking for myself (a middle-class tax payer), I don’t see how putting the burden on the middle-class by having an increase of rates in addition to increased taxes (what HHS called “federal help” means taxes) is really going to have the net benefit that ACA promised.

    Additionally, Obama’s promise was for the “typical family” (his words) – most typical families do not qualify for the subsidies, they are the ones paying for them.

  19. Anonymous says:

    How’s your “Affordable” Care Act now! Everyone new these increases would occur! Make your choice at the polls.

  20. FTY says:

    Spoke and mirror accomplishments.
    Obamacare a family of (5) will be paying $27,500 not including deductibles. Has witnessed an increase of 40-60% in healthcare premiums in his company. These premiums are sucking the life out of the economy and costing jobs.
    5.9% unemployment a bogus number. Economic policies or lack of are creating min. wage jobs as a career. More part time jobs created than full time…Obamacare?
    Welcome to Obamacare the greatest scam on the American people under the pretense of providing affordable quality healthcare. The real goal is a single payer system with the Gov. in control of your health with automatic deductions directly from your paycheck without a say in the matter.
    18 trillion in debt, 116 trillion in underfunded liabilities, 46 million on food stamps, lowest labor participation rate in 38 years, 47% living at poverty levels.
    Put those numbers on ones resume and see if one gets a job?
    A policy of punishing success and rewarding failure off the backs of the productive tax payer. Any doubt there is a redistribution of wealth and health?

  21. stan merriman says:

    If any of you trolls are interested in real facts and data, here is the latest from the Health Research Institute:
    The health officials said they have not yet analyzed the incomes of people who qualified for the subsidies. But overall, the report shows, the average monthly tax credit this year is $264. Without the federal help, the average premium chosen by people eligible for a tax credit would have been $346 per month, and the subsidy lowered the consumers’ premiums, on average, by 76 percent. The result is that four out of five people with subsidies are paying premiums of no more than $100 a month — although that does not include money they might need to spend for insurance deductibles and other out-of-pocket costs.

    Delaware, which basically has what, one exchange insurer? A negligible increase for 2015. You trolls, the issue is not Obama or ACA, though it certainly needs some tweaking and yes, single payer, but the anti-public good insurance companies who never have shown good citizenship and the absolutely toothless state insurance commissions you Republicans just love…..government not doing anything for the people.

    Terry, as for you, you selfish jerk, your taxes have never been lower and would be lower if people like you, who say they’re middle class but likely are well into six figure incomes, paid your fair share compared to the working stiffs needing health care for their families. Take your libertarian crap and stuff it.

  22. Terry says:

    I know that you know you’re wrong and that’s why you argue ad hominem. If you would like to debate ACA intelligently and without hurling insults and/or falsehoods then I’ll be around; but you don’t appear to have that capacity, so I guess I’m done with you.

  23. Tom Kline says:

    Obama is the half black version of W..

  24. PenelopeCruises says:

    Why don’t you show the REAL LEGACY of the worst president in the history of the US, one barack obama. And to mention unemployment numbers being low-why don’t you stop shrouding the truth? You forgot to add in all the millions who are unemployed and have given up looking. He is corrupt to the core. You can’t keep saying it’s because he’s black he is despised. That tired old train left the station ages ago. Too many are willing to throw their support behind many a black candidate, so give it up. It’s insulting and just plain ignorant to suggest that. Ok–here’s a few for the record:

    1) It is OK to cover up the corruption at the VA that caused veterans to die while waiting for health care.

    2) It is OK for the IRS to deny Christian and Conservative groups non-profit status and then cover up its crimes with the blessing of the White House.

    3) It is OK for the president to release five dangerous top terrorist leaders without consulting Congress as required by law.

    4) It is OK for him to ignore the law and refuse to spend funds already voted by Congress to secure our borders.

    5) It is OK to appoint Liberal judges who have overturned the expressed will of the people regarding homosexual marriage in over half the states of the Union.

    6) It is OK for Obama to pass laws by Executive Order, making Congress more and more irrelevant.

    7) It is OK for him to allow people from the Ebola-ridden nations of West Africa to travel freely to the US, when most other other nations (even in Africa) have restricted travel to avoid a possible pandemic.

    8) It is OK for the government to take over 1/6 of the economy – our healthcare system – and change it from the best in the world to the most dysfunctional.

    If we say to these politicians who voted with Obama 92% to 98% of the time, “You’re out!” and replace them with Constitutional Conservatives, we are saying:

    We want our country back. Most Americans are Conservatives and we want our values to be represented in the public life of our nation. We refuse to allow one judge to overturn the will of the people as happened when the Ninth District struck down the lawful referendum on homosexual marriage in which the entire State of California participated.

    We are saying that we repent for electing – not once, but twice – to the office of the presidency a man who does not share our values, who is hostile to Christianity, who does not love America, and who does not act in our best interests. And we promise to never do it again.

    There is the irrefutable truth. Read it and weep. Our founders and forefathers based this country first and foremost on their love of God and their country. If you don’t like that, find somewhere else to live. I only hope that the damage this angry socialist has leveled against this country can someday be undone.

  25. puck says:

    We are saying that we repent for electing – not once, but twice – to the office of the presidency a man who does not share our values, who is hostile to Christianity, who does not love America, and who does not act in our best interests. And we promise to never do it again.

    Don’t worry, George W. Bush is constitutionally barred from running again.

  26. pandora says:

    Psst… somebody needs a nap.

  27. PenelopeCruises says:

    Oh I almost forgot…Only in America could people claim that the government still discriminates against black Americans when they have a black President, a black Attorney General and roughly 20% of the federal workforce is black while only 14% of the population is black. 40+% of all federal entitlements goes to black Americans – 3X the rate that go to whites, 5X the rate that go to Hispanics!

    And I also notice that the liberal remarks are constantly peppered with insults and lots of dirty words. Makes me chuckle at the venom they spew and then claim to be the more caring portion of the population. It would also be refreshing if, after 6 yrs., you found the intestinal fortitude to make a comment without adding George Bush to the mix. I know it’s difficult, but give it a shot.

  28. Truth Teller says:

    Dem’s deserved to lose they ran away from all the good things that were achieved in the past six years if you don’t know what they are then you yearn for the Bush Cheney flop.

    Obama has one of two choices veto all the junk that the Repuk’s pass or sign it all and cheer Ted Cruz on.

  29. Terry says:

    Or option B – bring out the gimp – I mean, bring out Biden.

    Obama’s only chance to work with and negotiate with Congress is Joe Biden.

  30. puck says:

    Obama’s only chance to work with and negotiate with Congress is Joe Biden.

    Biden’s involvement has always made bills worse, not better. We are better off with Republican bills being vetoed than being lubricated by Joe Biden.

  31. Tom Kline says:

    Barry’s speech was pathetic this afternoon. He’s got a real problem dealing with the truth. Very disturbed man…