Joe Biden Shows How To Speak About The Ray Rice Abuse/Assault

Filed in Delaware, National by on September 9, 2014

I love Joe!

Here are his comments regarding the Ray Rice “incident” or – as it’s known when it happens outside of a relationship – assault.

It’s never, never, never the woman’s fault. No man has a right to raise a hand to a woman. No means no. […] The one regret I have is we call it domestic violence as if it’s a domesticated cat. It is the most vicious form of violence there is, because not only the physical scars are left, the psychological scars that are left. This whole culture for so long has put the onus on the woman. What were you wearing? What did you say? What did you do to provoke? That is never the appropriate question.


The next challenge is making sure, ironically, we get college presidents and colleges to understand that they have a responsibility for the safety of women on their campus. They have a responsibility to do what we know from great experience works. Bringing the experts. Provide people, give the young woman the support that she needs. Psychological support. the medical support, and if need be, the legal support. Societal changes taking place. It takes time. But I really believe it’s taking root, and we have an obligation to just keep pushing it.

This is how it’s done, people!  Really, it’s not difficult.  Go Joe!

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A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. ben says:

    I would, as a friend pointed out… change 2 things here.
    Change “woman” to victim and “man” to abuser. Not all domestic abuse relationships are the same. Women abuse men, women abuse women, men abuse men.
    That said, good to hear some straight dope from Amtrak Joe.

  2. fightingbluehen says:

    Note to all WAGs of the NFL: (Effective immediately)

    Don’t be a victim of domestic abuse, or you will be trading your Mercedes in for a Hyundai……oops.

    I wonder how many of these instances will go unreported now?

    Unintended consequences, right?

  3. Another Mike says:

    Biden’s second point interests me greatly as I have one daughter in college and another who will be there soon. (PayPal donations accepted!) Too many colleges and universities have done little or nothing to prevent or punish sexual assault on campus, preferring to protect the university (and current and future revenue) instead.

    Many colleges have campus boards investigate sexual assault, as if they have the legal background, investigative tools or motivation to see their institution painted in a bad light. This issue makes my blood boil; I could write for hours about it. If Joe believes change is taking root, good for him. I tend to think differently. There’s a reason why so many schools are being investigated for Title IX violations for sexual assault.

  4. ben says:

    He didnt say WHERE it is taking root.
    I believe the discussion has taken root in student bodies. They are FAR more likely to have an affect than a University administration… who will send out a press release redoubling their efforts to protect students… then help a star athlete shake that crazy cheerleader who so clearly “wanted it”
    I think you will see more courageous people like Emma Sulkowicz, who have no problem humiliating their school until the school is forced to act. It’s pretty transparent that schools operate on the same bottom-line principle all soul-less institutions use. That makes the extremely vulnerable to bad press and public shaming. People will no longer tolerate the behavior of these places and they will have to adapt, or stop making as much money. An easy choice.

  5. Another Mike says:

    Good point, Ben. Perhaps the VP should have clarified. An Ursuline graduate has been at the forefront of change at Swarthmore after being raped there. Unfortunately, the universities need to be pushed into action, and if it takes students embarrassing and suing them, so be it.