Archive for February, 2014

The Mania for Austerity Finally Hits the Military

Filed in National by on February 26, 2014 8 Comments
The Mania for Austerity Finally Hits the Military

You’ve been hearing this week about SecDef Chuck Hagel’s proposed budget for the DOD for FY15. This budget reduced the number of active duty troops, reduces the number of reserve troops, reduces salary increases, requires uniformed staff to contribute more to their health care, reduces retirement benefits and focuses growth in cybersecurity and in Special Forces. It looks to re-orient the Pentagon’s focus on being prepared for two land wars to dealing with current threats of terrorism. And this budget looks as though it accomodates some continued sequestration as well as real spending reduction. Remember as you hear more about this budget that if the US gets out of Afghanistan at the end of this year (as planned), the US won’t be engaged in regular ground wars anywhere. From the WaPo:

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Daily Approval Rating — Results for Governor Markell and Poll for Lt. Governor Matt Denn

Filed in Delaware by on February 26, 2014 8 Comments
Daily Approval Rating — Results for Governor Markell and Poll for Lt. Governor Matt Denn

Here are the results for Governor Markell. The bigoted brigades that came here last night to defend the Ugandan Right to Discriminate tilted the balance of disapproval for the Governor. That’s the breaks.

Approve 32%
Disapprove 63%
Meh .045%

You can tell the poll was freeped by the knuckle draggers by the “Strongly Disapprove” option, which, out of the the 154 total votes, measured 64. True Delawareans don’t do anything strongly. We’ll redo the poll once the neanderthals are distracted by a shiny rock, next week perhaps.

Now go vote on Matt Denn, to your right————–>

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Shorter Dick Cheney: Bombs are still free and Obama is still black

Filed in National by on February 26, 2014 0 Comments
Shorter Dick Cheney: Bombs are still free and Obama is still black

If there is a person alive who is more evil than Dick Cheney, I’ve never heard of them. He was the guy who was supposed to be the adult in the room during the caretaker Presidency of George Bush’s idiot son. Instead, to the non-surprise of many, he turned out to be a bloodthirsty sociopath. Well, now he is back talking to Fox News because he is such an expert on the military or something.

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [2.26.14]

Filed in Delaware by on February 26, 2014 0 Comments
Wednesday  Daily Delawhere [2.26.14]

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Late Night Video — Denunciation Proclaimation

Filed in National by on February 25, 2014 2 Comments

Jon Stewart and Senior Black Correspondent Larry Wilmore correct the history claimed by Fox News about Abraham Lincoln’s motivation to fight the Civil War. This is unspeakable, even by Fox standards, but Larry Wilmore gets it right:

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How to test if your RELIGIOUS FREEDOM!!! is really being infringed upon…

Filed in National by on February 25, 2014 48 Comments
How to test if your RELIGIOUS FREEDOM!!! is really being infringed upon…

The current excuse for the evil bigotry the Republican Party has displayed and advanced with respect to gays and marriage equality is that state action recognizing gay marriage and banning discrimination against gays infringes the religious freedom of those who oppose gays on religious grounds.

The Reverend Emily C. Heath of the United Church of Christ has published a wonderful test to determine whether a person’s religious freedom is truly being violated. Let’s take it together, shall we?

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This Week In Republican Outreach And Re-Branding

Filed in National by on February 25, 2014 45 Comments
This Week In Republican Outreach And Re-Branding

Let’s see how things are going with the Republican wooing of gays, minorities and women.

First up, the LGTB Republican love letter – that the Arizona legislature has passed (and sealed with a kiss) and the only thing that may stop Jan Brewer from signing it into law is the threat of losing the super bowl.  Priorities, people.  Anderson Cooper delivered the ultimate smack-down to Arizona state Sen. and gubernatorial candidate Al Melvin.  Seriously, watch the video.  Melvin isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but it seems Arizona is full of tools.

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Tuesday Open Thread [2.25.14]

Filed in National, Open Thread by on February 25, 2014 1 Comment

“I think we got off that track when we allowed our government to become a secular government, when we stopped realizing that God created this nation, that He wrote the constitution, that’s based on biblical principles.” — Former Rep.Tom DeLay (R-TX), in an interview on Global Evangelical Television. The sound you hear is our Founding Fathers, and most notably Thomas Jefferson, rolling over in their graves.

“Once a child does exist in your womb, I’m not going to assume a right to kill it just because the child’s host (some refer to them as mothers) doesn’t want it.” — Virginia State Sen. Steve Martin (R), quoted by Slate. And that’s how Republicans view women. As receptacles and hosts. Not as humans and mothers.

“There are several possible explanations for why Republicans would not denounce Nugent and his statement in unqualified terms. One is that they aren’t all that offended by what Nugent said. A second is Nugent is on their “team” and therefore needs to be treated with kid gloves. A third explanation is that they fear that in denouncing Nugent they will upset elements of the GOP base. Any of these explanations is an indictment,” – Pete Wehner, Commentary.

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Daily Approval Rating — Governor Markell

Filed in Delaware by on February 25, 2014 2 Comments
Daily Approval Rating — Governor Markell

In the poll on your right, state whether your strongly approve, approve, disapprove or strongly disapprove of the job performance of Governor Jack Markell. There is also an option for Neutral or Meh, which is also kinda like “Don’t care” or “Don’t know.” I am sure why you are voting in a poll if you have no opinion or knowledge of the subject matter of the poll, but sometimes people just want to express a resounding shrug of the shoulders as an opinion.

This poll is of course an internet poll, and thus it is purely voluntary, non-random, and non-scientific. At best, the results can only be described as a poll of the readership of Delaware Liberal.

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Tuesday Daily Delawhere [2.25.14]

Filed in Delaware by on February 25, 2014 0 Comments
Tuesday Daily Delawhere [2.25.14]

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Right Wing Terror Plot Foiled.

Filed in National by on February 24, 2014 13 Comments
Right Wing Terror Plot Foiled.

Three members of a right wing conservative terrorist organization have been arrested in Georgia and charged in federal court with conspiracy to attack federal agencies with explosive devices. The conservative terrorists were planning on using pipe bombs and thermite devices, and the target of their planned terrorist bombing appears to be TSA and FEMA offices, among other agencies.

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Markell v. Arizona

Filed in National by on February 24, 2014 11 Comments
Markell v. Arizona

If only the socially progressive Governor Markell was also the economically progressive Governor Markell. Well, I will enjoy the former…

Delaware Gov. Jack Markell (D) spoke out against the controversial anti-gay bill in Arizona Monday, stating that if Gov. Jan Brewer (R) signs it into law, the state should not be allowed to host the Super Bowl next year in Glendale.

“It seems to me if they pass this law and if she signs it, the NFL may be looking, or maybe should be looking, to move the Super Bowl out of that state. There are so many places around the country that are welcoming to everybody,” he said in an interview on MSNBC with host Ronan Farrow.

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Christine O’Donnell back to conjuring the same old spells of small scale grifting and vicitmhood

Filed in National by on February 24, 2014 5 Comments
Christine O’Donnell back to conjuring the same old spells of small scale grifting and vicitmhood

“Burble, bauble, toil and trouble. Give me a scotch and make it a double.” That’s my spell. Read on to see Christine ply her dark arts in an attempt to once again separate fools from their purses.

Delaware Tea Party star Christine O’Donnell is at it again, attempting to raise money and generate sympathy by claiming she was victimized by the IRS and Delaware’s Division of Revenue.

O’Donnell wrote an op-ed for the New York Post on Saturday, saying she was “preyed upon” by state and federal officials who “leaked” her private tax records, resulting in damage to her 2010 U.S. Senate campaign.

She refers as evidence to a publicly available federal tax lien that was filed in New Castle County as the IRS audited O’Donnell’s 2005 tax return for unpaid federal taxes. The News Journal wrote about O’Donnell’s financial problems, including the lien, in this March 20, 2010 story.

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