Who would I pick to be the GOP nominee, Christie or Cruz?

Filed in National by on November 7, 2013

It isn’t such a slam dunk.   On the one hand Cruz is an easy pick, because he’d be oh so easy to beat in a national election.  On the other hand I’d like to see some semblance of sanity return the the GOP, and picking Christie would be a nod in the direction of reality.  Also, Christie would keep Cruz from even the possibility of becoming President.  That issue looms large for me because flukey stuff can happen down the stretch and BAM! – you are looking at President Cruz.

As bad as Christie would be, the idea of President Cruz should make ever patriotic American break into a cold sweat.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Dave says:

    Good question! On one hand, I’d like to see a candidate who is a “real conservative” get his/her head handed to them to put to rest once and for all the narrative that GOP moderates are flawed candidates and the GOP needs a real firebrand, far right candidate to give the people a real choice. However, you have a point that stuff happens and that Cruz could somehow get elected (death of the Dem candidate?). Have to be careful what you wish for I guess.

    Disregarding that risk, I would want candidates from both parties to reflect the centrist character of the nation but more importantly, the ability to lead is paramount and in that Cruz fails.

    Ultimately, that’s my litmus test, the ability to lead from the center. Christie can appeal to multiple constituencies. Plus, both the far left and the far right hate him, which is an objective measure of where he positions himself. So, if I had a choice it would have to be Christie.

  2. DEvol says:

    Christie, hands down. I cringe at the thought of a debate between the dem nominee and a Cruz-type. I think many in this country need to see and hear a REAL thoughtful debate of issues, and frankly, so do I. That will never happen with a tea-party candidate.

  3. Kit says:

    I don’t hate Christie. I’m not a fan of his politics, but he’s not too bad in bringing two sides together and making rational decisions.

    My main beef with Christie is that he’s just SO disrespectful. I’m not so sure you’ll get a “REAL thoughtful debate of issues” with nominee Christie. Especially if the Dem nominee is a woman/Hilary.

    That being said: Cruz, on paper, seems to give dems/libs the best chance. But President Christie is probably a better choice if we all want to remain sane in case of a disastrous Dem turnout.

  4. Jason330 says:

    “I’d like to see a candidate who is a “real conservative” get his/her head handed to them to put to rest once and for all the narrative that GOP moderates are flawed candidates and the GOP needs a real firebrand,”

    Teabagist philosophies are not based on reality, so they can’t be altered by events that transpire in the real world.

  5. Truth Teller says:

    If its Christy and he gets beat we will have to listen to the whining that he wasn’t enough of a TEABAGGER. So I say give them Cruz or Paul and let them explain why they got their asses kicked they can claim that the Dem’s cheated much like the excuse they gave when the WITCH lossed

  6. Flora Kitty says:

    Even if Christie is the GOP nominee in 2016, he will probably be stuck with a nutjob running mate. Cruz or Paul or someone like that will probably get the #2 spot on the GOP ticket.