This is a big f-ing deal

Filed in National by on October 4, 2013

Having quoted Biden on the ACA, I’ll paraphrase Paul Krugman:

Health reform is here to stay. The glitches of October won’t matter in the long run. They are actually encouraging because they are the result of the sheer volume of traffic, which has been much heavier than expected.

The computer problems can and will be fixed. By March 31, when enrollment for 2014 closes, millions of Americans who were previously uninsured will have coverage under the Affordable Care Act. Obamacare will have become a reality, something people depend on, rather than some fuzzy notion Republicans could demonize. And it will be very hard to take that coverage away.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (6)

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Much like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security Obamacare will be an eternal Republican litmus test and crusade. And as noted more people will like it than the GOP cares to admit.

  2. puck says:

    I don’t get why Democrats to put Social Security on the table but not Obamacare. If we ultimately can’t defend Social Security how do we expect to defend Obamacare?

  3. liberals are sad says:

    Much like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security democrats will destroy the programs as they seek votes from the vulnerable in life, liberals are total parasites devoid of any conscience.

    Obama Care is and will be a total failure just like the loser it is named after.

    Defend Social Security, pardon why I throw up in my mouth. Career Democrats sole from SS for years and years and liberal hacks said nothing but joined at the trough sucking from the poor.

  4. jason330 says:

    It must suck to be so abused by the mighty, (though sad and parasitic) 20%. I feel your pain. But I have to give these last couple of comments a 6 out of 10. Not your best work. I think if you tried a little harder I bet you could work in Bengahzi.

  5. Liberal Elite says:

    @las “Career Democrats sole from SS for years and years and liberal hacks said nothing but joined at the trough sucking from the poor.”

    There’s the problem facing the GOP. You guys think that Social Security is all about the poor. It’s not. It’s mainstream middle class. You take that one on at your own political risk.

    People who have spent YEARS putting money into that system will not take kindly to being stiffed by the GOP.

  6. xyz says:

    Of course it’s here to stay. It’s easy to get people to vote for programs that give them free stuff at the expense of others.

    The problem is in the long run you eventually run out of “others”.