Dear Annie Coons,

Filed in National by on September 26, 2013

Dear Annie,

Thank you for the email. It is good to know that your husband, our Senator, views Senator Cruz as a lunatic and a danger to democracy. (Tom Carper also recently sent me an email, but unlike Chris he couldn’t bring himself to directly point out the malfeasance of a fellow Senator.) I also liked this line, “If Congress spent half the time working on manufacturing policy as it spends manufacturing political crises, our country would be in far better shape.” Obviously true. And of course, his devotion to his family is admirable.

What I didn’t see in the email was any discussion about what Chris plans to do about the Republicans who have no goal other than to fuck shit up and rake in wingnut welfare. While it is nice to know that the problem has been identified (Republicans) you stop short of telling us what he is going to do to address the problem. I mean beyond being re-elected of course. One less seat in the hands of the GOP is clearly in the best interest of the country. But beyond that – how is Chris Coons going to “fight the good fight” and help ensure that this Republican bullshit comes to an end?

That is an email I would love to respond to by reaching for my credit card.



In our house, some mornings are tougher than others.
When Chris got on the train to Washington Tuesday morning, Senator Cruz was still on the floor delivering his silly fake filibuster trying to shut down the government and defund the Affordable Care Act.

Now, Chris and I have both been extremely frustrated by this latest manufactured crisis, but Chris was pretty resolved about getting down to Washington yesterday. I asked him why and he said, confidently, “I have to fight the good fight.” It made me really proud and it reminded me of why I’m doing everything I can to help him win his first full term in the Senate.

Chris needs all of us behind him, fighting the good fight. Will you donate $250, $500, $1,000 or more to his campaign now?
Every now and then, when things in Washington have gotten really bad, Chris will turn to me and say, “So I’m giving up all this time with my kids — missing Mike’s football games and Jack’s soccer games and Maggie’s volleyball matches — for what?” Before I can respond, Chris already has the answer.
It’s for them. It’s for our kids and your kids and our community and our country. Chris knows that we’re counting on him to stand up to the Tea Party’s efforts to tear down what we’ve built and roll back the progress we’ve made.

Without people like Chris fighting for us in Washington, we know they’ll succeed. That’s why Chris really needs our support. He needs all of us behind him. Can we count on you to stand with him and fight the good fight?

Chris ended his day yesterday on the Senate floor. “If Congress spent half the time working on manufacturing policy as it spends manufacturing political crises,” he said, “our country would be in far better shape.” Chris has his priorities straight, which is why Maggie, Mike, Jack and I are so proud of him and are standing right by his side. I hope you’ll stand with us, too.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    It is so typical of Coons and Carper not to denounce Cruz until first having a Republican consensus. They can denounce Republicans for the rest of the careers and it will never make up for the permanent damage they have done to the economy by insisting on harmful Republican ideas in their legislation.

  2. Jason330 says:

    True. The “working on industrial policy” probably isn’t such a slam dunk.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    I’m waiting for the letter that says that he’s joined Mark Begich and will co-sponsor S. 308: Protecting and Preserving Social Security Act.

    If Mark Begich — from mostly red Alaska can support this — Coons (and Carper for that matter) ought to be a done deal from this Blue State.