John McCain has his moments…

Filed in National by on September 25, 2013

And here is some more, where McCain tells Cruz that his McCarthy schtick has jumped the shark. (The video at the start contains some of the prior video).

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  1. jim center says:

    Just heard from a DuPont employee that dupont has offered to terminate the company sponsored health care for anyone who would like to investigate getting their own coverage thru PPACA (Obamacare). Of course the employee loses the money that dupie contributes to their healthcare premiums.
    All I’d heard so far regarding PPACA was that if your employer currently offered health care, you would not be affected at all.
    Looks like Dupont is trying to shed employee coverage AND retain the money they would spend for it.
    Ellen gets a bigger bonus next year!

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Uh, Jim… DuPont is not shedding its health coverage. If what you say is true, what DuPont is offering is a ….. SHOCK… a free market choice. If the employee finds an insurance on the exchange that is cheaper, they can choose that. If you want to keep your DuPont provided coverage, you keep it.

  3. jim center says:

    Not quite. What they are saying is that if you don’t want the health care coverage we subsidize, you’re free to find your own without our contribution!
    We get to cut your pay/benefits.