Late Night Video — What the GOP’s War on Women Might Look Like

Filed in National by on July 27, 2013

Featuring an imagined doctor’s visit to get some basic birth control. Funny and scary. Scary because the GOP probably thinks that this is just what they want. About 4 minutes long.


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. John Manifold says:

    One of the warriors on women is Delaware’s own Kent Jordan.

    Jane Roth retired from the Third Circuit so that GWB could pick her successor.

    The man who replaced her was the district court judge whom the DC warriors imposed on Delaware over Mike Castle’s choice [Karen Valihura was seen as dangerously moderate] in 2001.

    Here’s Kent Jordan. He thinks that corporations not only have feelings, but they have religious preferences:

    Thanks again, Ralph.

  2. liberals are mike protack says:

    Obama is the warrior against women. He burdens women’s children with fiscal burdens they can’t pay. He steals from elderly women’s Medicare for the broken and corrupt Obamacare. He kills opportunity for minority girls who want an education choice outside of government schools.

    For you liberal fools, there can’t be a war on women. Any law has to comply with the Supreme Court so keep spouting your twisted views but there is no war on women-except Barack Obama’s war on women.

  3. Liberal Elite says:

    “Obama is the warrior against women.” — Only at home. Only at home.
    “He burdens women’s children with fiscal burdens they can’t pay.” — Yet, who wants to defund welfare for these very same children?
    “He steals from elderly women’s Medicare for the broken and corrupt Obamacare.” — How is it possible for a Tea Party fool to believe it is possible to steal from a government entitlement???!
    “He kills opportunity for minority girls who want an education choice outside of government schools.” — You mean private schools just for minorities?? Does anyone else smell rank racism here? Stinks, doesn’t it?
    “…there can’t be a war on women. Any law has to comply with the Supreme Court…” — There’s a real knee slapper!

    Go back to your mad tea party madrassa.

  4. Geezer says:

    This is the guy who insists he belongs in public office, no matter how many times we show him otherwise.

  5. Aoine says:

    I think he showed us all after that News Journal report on this FB postings

    Hahahahah, not only could he not run for office but will no one take him seriously after that was exposed

    Not that anyone ever did anyway. Him and Ayotte= losers.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    To be fair, I’m not sure that “liberals are idiots” AKA “liberals are mike protack” is indeed Protack. He sure sounds like him and since he is only here to tag this site, then his graffiti is fair game for re-tagging.

  7. Truth Teller says:

    Mike at least he’s not a Repuk perv who are passing bills for vaginal probes they are no better than a scum bag rapist