Thursday Daily Delawhere [6.20.13]

Filed in National by on June 20, 2013

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  1. Rustydils says:

    What you are missing. What a great life liberals are missing. Instead of adventuring out on their own, most liberals look for life support from the government. What a great life you are missing. I am self employeed, and have not done good enough financially the last five years, but I am starting to do better. I have been working very hard the last 12 months, and things are starting to look up. So am planning a vacation to arizona, and california, and maybe even oregon. Maybe for one to two weeks, next month, i will decide later, i can do that because i am self employed. What a great life liberals are missing, some of you should try your hand at small business, you are obviously smart enough, you just need a bit of attitude adjustment. Who knows, maybe you too could have a great life like me

  2. Jason330 says:

    Particle physics is a kind of physics that studies the nature of matter and stuff. Particles and quantum are words that I’ve heard befor. Words are things people use to make sentences.

  3. Tom McKenney says:

    I was self-employed most of my adult life, now retired. Many of my liberal friends are self employed. So get off your high horse a.hole

  4. think123 says:

    Rustydils – you’re talking talk radio talk. You need to understand that when somebody on the radio tells you Democrats prefer government benefits over work they are lying to you, trying to make you dumb. That whole schtick about liberals worship government and don’t like private enterprise and profit – that is all just propaganda to get you to vote Republican. It’s not true. It’s an imaginary world conservatives have created so they can feel superior. Like they are the good hard working Americans and Democratic liberals are not good hard working Americans. Don’t talk that way to any of your customers, they will think you are stupid.

  5. think123 says:

    Rustydils – you’re talking talk radio talk. You need to understand that when somebody on the radio tells you Democrats prefer government benefits over work they are lying to you, making you think dumb thoughts. That whole schtick about liberals worship government and don’t like private enterprise and profit – that is all just propaganda to get you to vote Republican. It’s not true. It’s an imaginary world conservatives have created so they can feel superior. Like they are the good hard working Americans and Democratic liberals are not good hard working Americans. Don’t talk that way to any of your customers, they will think you are stupid.