Open letter to the last remaining sane Delaware Republican

Filed in National by on May 11, 2013


I know we’ve had our differences. I know I’ve berrated you for allowing Christine ODonnell to ever address an audience. I’ve scorned you for voting for George Bush (twice!). I’ve scoffed, and spit on the ground as you’ve walked by to show my utter contempt. But I’m past all of that now. I’m just full of pity for you and honestly reaching out right now to see what i can do to help you.

I’ve been moving in this direction for a while because I can see you are a decent person. It know you have some whack-adoodle notions about taxation, but I think you want a better, more just, healthy, and sustainable democratic future for our state and country. I know that you have about as much in common with John Sigler and his whack job a-holes who have taken over your party as I do.

This, from Daily Kos, really brought that home for me.

“The meetings didn’t take. “[Newt] Gingrich and [Mitt] Romney understood, … and I think they even believed the evidence and understood the risk,” [MIT scientist Kerry] Emanuel says. “But they were so terrified by the extremists in their party that in the primaries they felt compelled to deny it. Which is not good leadership, good integrity. I got a low impression of them as leaders.” Throughout the Republican presidential primaries, every candidate but one—former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, who was knocked out of the race at the start—questioned, denied, or outright mocked the science of climate change.

Soon after his experience in South Carolina, Emanuel changed his lifelong Republican Party registration to independent. “The idea that you could look a huge amount of evidence straight in the face and, for purely ideological reasons, deny it, is anathema to me,” he says.”

While I used to say “tough titties” that’s the party you created out of your cynical belief that you could control the idiots and Christianist maniacs, I now realize that “I told you so” isn’t going to cut it moving forward. We can’t have a two party system in which one party of openly committed to simply fucking shit up out of spite. So, I’m honestly asking – what can I do? How can i help the GOP return to some semblance of sanity and decent?

You know how to reach me. Let’s chat. I wouldn’t be much of a liberal if I didn’t think we could work things out.


PS. What the fuck were you thinking voting for George Bush for a second term? Honestly. okay- just had to say that one more time. Now I’m don’t with finger pointing. I promise. onward.

ps. I wrote this on an iPad , so sorry about the above average number of typos.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    The GOP move to the lunatic right is pure genius. Because Democrats followed them and have now settled right into the center-right space they formerly occupied, even as the people remain center-left. So lunatic Republicans might become extinct of their own lunacy, but in the big picture Republicans have succeeded in suppressing the traditional Democratic agenda and have accomplished Republican goals beyond their wildest dreams.

    For God’s sake, they now have a Democratic president implementing an unspoken 23% cap on taxes on the rich (against poll results of course).

  2. Melbourne Born says:

    Come on, we want the Vance Phillips story that broke last night. Why no coverage here about the biggest political sex scandal since……well since Bodenwieser?

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    Melbourne Born, I have a story up on it now.

  4. puck says:

    Return to sender – no known address

  5. cassandra_m says:

    The sane Republicans have either gone into hiding or decided to be Independent. You can argue that these are the same thing. But given how much of current politics is about identifying with a team, most of what we know about these folks is that they tend to vote GOP still. I suspect that in a party that expects its members to exist in a very specific allegiance to a pre-determined set of “ideas”, those who no longer find a place in this group just drop off of the usual radar, but still show up to pull an R lever when needed.

  6. Joanne Christian says:

    Am I paranoid, having a delusion of grandeur, the only applicant, or does jason need a penpal?

    And if I did vote for GWB again, it’s only because you messed up not forwarding Dean!!!