The Ridiculous Reasons Republicans Give….

Filed in Delaware by on March 29, 2013

The following is the reason Republican Senator Greg Lavelle gave for voting against the repeal of the death penalty:

“15 years from now, there will be a group, undoubtedly, that will come and say, ‘Isn’t it cruel and unusual, isn’t it horrific, that as as society that we put somebody in jail that committed a murder when they’re 21, 22-years-old, an adult, and they’re in there for 30, 40, 50 years, isn’t that cruel and unusual, and shouldn’t we allow them out?'” asks Lavelle.

This is quite an assine statement, even from Lavelle. First, no one here in Delaware or anywhere as far as I can tell has ever said life sentences for adults who commit murder is cruel and unusual. So Lavelle is lying to create a straw man that he can fight against, which gives him a reason for his vote. So let’s concede that point for the moment. Let’s concede that Lavelle is really concerned that there is this movement out there that in 15 years will seek to repeal life sentences without the possibility of parole because somehow it is cruel and unusual. Ok.

So Lavelle’s answer to this concern is we must kill the convict? In order to prevent the the forces waving the cruel and unusual punishment banner from going down a slippery slope, we must keep a cruel and unusual punishment on the books? It seems to me that Lavelle, through his attempt at mockery, is conceding that the death penalty is cruel and unusual and we need to keep that cruel and unusual punishment on the books so that non-cruel and unusual punishments like life imprisonment are never challenged as cruel and unusual. Well, that makes sense!

Lavelle would have been better off saying he wholeheartedly endorses the death penalty and believes in the principle of an eye for an eye. That is an understandable position. A position I detest, but at least it is understandable.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Everything is a slippery slope to people with limited critical thinking skills.

  2. I heard this Lavelle logic on the radio the other day and also thought it was post-worthy.

    Also – Please direct attention to the latest Protack news -

    He is denying he wrote any of the heinous comments we know he wrote.

  3. Aoine says:

    LOL the irony…….

    Protack’s denials would be one of the…..”ridiculous reason Republicans give”…..

    Maybe he will leave R Tornoe and Rep. Kowalko alone now….. 😉

  4. Idealist says:

    Greg Lavelle- Pro-life from conception until birth.

  5. anon says:

    Between Lavelle and Rick Jensen yesterday afternoon the two of them managed to distort all of the indisputable facts offered with this legislation. Sometimes I think I would like to spend 10 minutes inside their heads to see what really does pass thru their ears besides hot air. They are master manipulators of the spoken word.

  6. Melbourne Born says:

    I don’t have much sympathy for murderers and support the death penalty. But I will agree that Lavelle is a stupid asshole.

  7. Geezer says:

    “They are master manipulators of the spoken word.”

    Only to morons. Any rational person could figure out that even for the logically bankrupt slippery slope argument, this one’s beyond left field. I laughed out loud when he said it.

    Jensen also thinks he has a winner with the notion that because the other nations on the planet that practice capital punishment have political prisoners, we are somehow not in their company as state-sanctioned killers.

  8. Ray says:

    He asked the question there was no suggestion of a movement, sure seems a few people have very limited critical thinking skills

  9. SANDFLY says:

    Greg hates anyone that is not rich. He hates the Occupy people for just protesting. He hates poor people and even the quick disappearing middle class. He hates unions. Anyone that stands up for their rights. Greg just sucks as a human. I wonder if he loves animals?

  10. saveourcity says:

    Senator Lavelle said “15 years from now, there will be a group, undoubtedly, that will come and say, ‘Isn’t it cruel and unusual, isn’t it horrific, that as as society that we put somebody in jail that committed a murder when they’re 21, 22-years-old, an adult, and they’re in there for 30, 40, 50 years, isn’t that cruel and unusual, and shouldn’t we allow them out?’”

    Just remember this statement when it happens in Delaware.

    Texas maybe releasing a serial baby killer. Who was sentenced to 99 years but only has served 33 years due to over crowding.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    She may be released because of an established Texas law for “mandatory release” in 2017. 2017. Meaning that Texas can change their law if they want to and can try to make it retroactive. But this doesn’t have anything to do with the death penalty or the substitute that is wanted — life without possibility of parole.

    Thanks for playing.