Not The Behavior Of A Winning Team

Filed in National by on October 4, 2012

Watch this video and tell me what Sununu hopes to accomplish:


Seriously, what’s the point?  Oh, I get the big ol’ dog whistle, but what I don’t get is why Sununu would go down this path after a supposed victory?  These are not the words of winners.

Maybe, he just didn’t want to be outdone by his buddy Newt.

“[Obama] really is like the substitute [National Football League] referees in the sense that he’s not a real president,” Gingrich told Greta Van Susteren on Fox News Tuesday night. “He doesn’t do anything that presidents do, he doesn’t worry about any of the things the presidents do, but he has the White House, he has enormous power, and he’ll go down in history as the president, and I suspect that he’s pretty contemptuous of the rest of us.”

“This is a man who in an age of false celebrity-hood is sort of the perfect president, because he’s a false president,” he said. “He’s a guy that doesn’t do the president’s job.”

“You have to wonder what he’s doing,” Gingrich continued. “I’m assuming that there’s some rhythm to Barack Obama that the rest of us don’t understand. Whether he needs large amounts of rest, whether he needs to go play basketball for a while or watch ESPN, I mean, I don’t quite know what his rhythm is, but this is a guy that is a brilliant performer as an orator, who may very well get reelected at the present date, and who, frankly, he happens to be a partial, part-time president.”

Wow!  Basketball and rhythm?  Not a real president?  Hey, I can play Newt’s game.  Newt Gingrich isn’t a real husband or a real Catholic.  He changes wives and faiths with the frequency most people change their socks.  How’s that?

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About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Bob says:

    The incompetence and lack of comprehension of anything economic that isn’t Marxist tripe has been on display for years for anyone interested to perceive it. Here is my favorite on P/E ratios from 2009. Last night was the first time since before he was elected that the media was not there to lob soft balls and block all difficult questions. The media needs to realize that all the coddling and avoidance from reality over the last four years left him hopeless and helpless when confronted by the sharp glare of reality presented politely and respectfully. The exception was when the president behaved like a petulant child. Then President Kardashian of March Madness bracket fame was kindly but sternly put in his place by the governor. Sounds to me like Newt was simply trying to make excuses for Barack, the self-proclaimed B-ball man that can go head to head with NBA stars. With all that market-branding baloney, Pandora wants to pretend new “code” words were being used? That’s funny in a sick sort of way.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    I think you can mark “Bob” here as a fan of Lying Romney. An unfortunate example of the specimen who walks in here repeating silly talking points and expecting that he’s actually *said* something of any import.

  3. Jason330 says:

    I’ll be sure to pass his media criticism along to the media. They will certainly be glad to hear about all that they are failing to realize and perceive.

  4. pandora says:

    Bob’s funny, in a sick sort of way.

  5. I removed my comment–sorry

  6. X Stryker says:

    Jeez, in order to top those two, Sarah Palin’s gonna have to sing Mammy in blackface. While eating a watermelon.

  7. duty says:

    Both criticisms were legitimate and right on point. Harsh, but accurate.

    “Jeez, in order to top those two, Sarah Palin’s gonna have to sing Mammy in blackface. While eating a watermelon.”

    What a jackass comment. Iam not the liberal expert on racism but that might I’ve had a hint of it.

  8. Truth Teller says:

    Let us not forget (the MSM seems to have forgotten) that Sununu is a crook and had to leave the first Bush white house because he was caught using tax payers money for his personal use.

  9. X Stryker says:

    It’s not racist to compare one racist trope with another.

  10. duty says:

    Of course, to criticize the President is racist. What a joke. Hillary Clinton said it was partriotic to criticize any administration. Is MSNBC a racist network for criticizing Obamas debate performace?